
Finally, someone speaking some fucking sense around here. This outrage over every little thing these days is getting way out of hand. It's okay to get a little upset over something, people, just don't act like the fucking world owes you something because of it. To think there are real problems going on out there...

Shortly after Ubisoft upset many Assassin's Creed fans by saying that it had abandoned its plan to have female characters in its new game's co-op multiplayer mode, the company returned with another controversial explanation about the absence of women in its games—this one focused on Far Cry 4.

Sure if you want to half-ass an animation and be satisfied with that, you could simply do a model swap a la Dark Souls and keep the same skeletal structure. I don't think that's really a good alternative though and making a proper model would take a lot more time and money. You don't just will this stuff into

Yep. When games have to start being politically correct, I'm out.

"Slightly" blown out of proportion doesn't even begin to describe the overreaction to this.

Definitely getting tired of these too. Articles whose main complaint about Watch Dogs is that all the Gangsters in black Chicago Gang are stereotypical black gansters. Surprise surprise. Not everyone needs to be represented all the time.

Friendly reminder to the chronic overreactors like you looking to get outraged by everything: It's true that it's not my problem. But that's because it isn't a problem, and it doesn't matter.

Friendly reminder: You play as a female in Assassins Creed Liberation.

I don't think that a game appeals to you if you can get too busy claiming that, regardless of how awesome it is (or not), it doesn't represent your race/gender/sexual orientation/whatever.

"Friendly reminder..." That's how everbody knows you come from Tumblr and it's hard to take you seriously.

Why don't people ignore games that don't appeal to them?

"Assassin's Creed Unity is focused on the story of the lead character, Arno. Whether playing by yourself or with the co-op Shared Experiences, you the gamer will always be playing as Arno, complete with his broad range of gear and skill sets that will make you feel unique."

This. Those snazzy Tweets would better used to promote the game that had the strong back female protagonist. No one cared about that game though, despite having a strong black female protagonist. Ubisoft seems to know who their audience is, despite what all these nontroversies imply.

Guys stop giving them page hits or at least have adblock. This guy and patricia always make this clickbait articles cause they can't write anything else worth a damn that will get so many hits.

That's a big part of why people are confused and upset by both of Ubisoft's statements this week. The company has already made games with compelling female protagonists and characters including Beyond Good & Evil, Child of Light, and many previous Assassin's Creed titles. Far Cry 3 also had a playable female character

Maybe they should have done a twitter campaign to support AC Liberation when it came out on vita and again when it came to ps3 and 360?

Anything that involves women (or the lack thereof) incites controversy. Grow the fuck up. No man on Earth complained about Bayonetta nor Lara Croft, the latter having multiple games over the last few decades.

The constant articles by Kotaku on this is having the opposite effect on me than one I think they desire in that Kotaku is losing my respect more than Ubisoft.

Christ! You guys are like piranha voraciously descending upon a single fish that dares swim out of sync with the Social Justice Warriors.

I'm so bored of all these fake "outrages".