
Are you a game developer? I'm gonna do a wild guess here and say you don't. Do you know what the 10 studios are doing? Do you know how many they are in this studios? Do you know how animation is done? What do you know about budject and production milestones? What do you know about rigging, debugging time, texturing,

I'm sorry! I am, I'm all for womanhood and stuff but my ladyboner compels me to not be blown by this. Look at all these hot men? Look at them!? If Ezio existed, I would ride him like all the cowgirls.

Nice work selectively quoting the interview and wording you headline to imply controversy, while ignoring quotes like:

Idrc care that you are claiming to be a game dev (especially since its the internet), unless you work for ubisoft you cannot understand their circumstances. My point is that I highly doubt they intentionally left female assassins out and still people will go on a witchhunt.

Don't you people ever get tired of being offended by something?

Next gen only mean lower install base and higher production costs.

I feel as if I should be upset at this as a female and we're pretty amazing but I'm not...I wonder why I have such ambivalence to-

Get ready for another witchunt guys so we can attempt force creative artists to change their game even though they have a valid reason not to. I mean we understand game development more then them right? Obviously they are lying when they say they have to redesign all the animations for a totally new gender right? tens

Any perceived inequality should be followed by inevitable anger.

They've got pretty poor justification going for them.

Gosh man, because there's a insidious sexist corporate agenda under EVERYTHING. Donthca know?

Knew it was only a matter of time before Kotaku got their hands on this....while I don't see a good reason to exclude women, I certainly don't think it matters either way and their explanation is good enough.

Exactly. Any perceived inequality is followed by some sort of investigation/inevitable anger. This trope is so tiresome on the internet these days.

Why is this an issue that needs to be "looked into"? I feel like their statement was pretty clear.

I'm sorry but in most of the world's view gay marriage is wrong. Europe and the few US states who recognise gay marriage are sadly a minority. Just because we view gay marriage as 'right' doesn't mean we get to force others from cultures who think it's 'wrong' to automatically include it in their games.

Great news, but for Christ's sake, the Nintendo situation was completely different. Get the fuck over it. You all have no credibility on this issue.

Except it is. Whether we like it or not most religions emphasise that marriage is between a man and a woman. Therefore by forcing developers to always include gay marriage can be offensive to a very large majority of people around the world. It's a Japanese game developed by the Japanese meaning they wouldn't see it

Even as a supporter of gay marriage I'm getting sick and tired of these witch-hunts against games that don't automatically include gay marriage. Yes it would be more inclusive to include it but hunting down and demonizing developers to include gay marriage isn't helpful as waiting for gay marriage to become the norm

For me it's kind of pointless to change the gender to a established character. I'm all for female protagonists but no one is going to ask for a Tomb Raider where Lara Croft is a man, right? It's stupid. On the other hand, Nintendo made statement once saying they don't make Link talk just so it feels more like you are

"People" aren't. Unless you think uber-liberal internet radicals are people.

People be crazy.