
Hes not on TV moron. This is an internet channel. Guess what? People are free to be retarded in America. And American television is terrible? You mean Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, BoardWalk Empire. Game of Thrones. I could go on for ever. You mean America news Tv is terrible. IN the case, you might be right.

I was very pleasantly surprised by how interested I was in finishing this game. I so rarely give enough of a fuck to go all the way. And, God, another Wolfenstein game? Really?

Great article. I too was absolutely convinced I would hate the game in the run up to its release, but is does some genuinely interesting and engaging things visually and story/subject-wise, plus the gameplay ebbs and flows nicely.

Don't let science fool you because science still knows jack shit about what's going on in the universe.

Meanwhile, AMD continues to do the same thing Nvidia does and Nvidia doesn't cry about it.

wait, so optimization achieved through Mantle is available on Nvidia cards?

you aren't entitled to anything for free.

2011 called, they want their valid complaints about Origin back.

It's only free till June 3rd.

There is no logical reason behind it. Simply put: it is because its from EA and because it is not Steam.

I don't really get the hate for Origin, certainly not to the point that people refuse to get games if they're only available on the service. Yea the service is pretty much EA saying "me too" in regards to steam, but as unnecessary as it is, it's far from a bad service and if there's a game I want that I can only get

Someone yells out PC master race.

I would umm, not expect there to be many non-Caucasians in what appears to be industrial revolution era Russia. Just like I wouldn't put in Asian people in a game during the height of the Mayan civilization, just for the sake of diversity. If this took place in the future/present day your comment would be a bit more

Who buys a Ferrari?


Don't start with that shit.

Tom Hardy is that you?

It's due to this megatexture gimmick of the idtech5 engine. It does look crazy good and allows for some huge levels, since there's only a single texture for the whole level, instead of seperate textures for every surface like in older engines.

If you are on a console, yes. But I really don't see how people can complain about that on PC considering how cheap hard drives are now.

You know what's absurd? Playing King's Quest 6 on 6-9 floppy disks !! It was 9MB