
Dreaming that you'd make sense? I don't think that's possible.

CoD wasn't about cops.

Theming in Battlefield has been important since Battlefield Vietnam, and I would say most of it has been hits, including Bad Company 1 and Battlefield 3. Honestly, this is exciting, but two things that greatly annoy me.

You should check the Field of View setting, this mostly makes people sick, higher FPS will never make you sick. The contrary will.

It's not like the most played games and biggest MMO's are on PC right? The Witcher 2 wasn't developed for PC either? And all the pro-gaming isn't on PC, right?

I'm a PC gamer and to me 30FPS with no FoV slider feels like the game is lagging and makes me dizzy/lightheaded. For me it's 60FPS+FoV slider or nothing at all.

Halo released in an era where console fps'es were an mostly just an oddity, yet it managed to innovate in a lot of areas, pull off a lot of unique things while also refining various concepts that were only used unsatisfyingly and seperately in certain previous games, and not only defined the console fps, but

PC games are designed to run at 60 fps and at least 1080p. Many people are running at resolutions higher than 1080p these days.

I'm just going to say this, as someone who owns a PS4, the apologists for this game are amazing.

It's not a guarantee innovation = good execution, but when you get both it's incredibly wanting that is a good and fair thing.

How? The character was just spamming one machine-gun + rocket weapon at the same 1 enemy type that didn't do anything to fight back, and then had a section where you had to pick up a wounded guy, and do an Uncharted "stuck with a piston in one hand" scripted moment.

I don't mind people having different opinions, at all. It makes us who we are, but i'm getting tired of people calling cover/3rd person shooters "gears of war style/clone." Gears wasn't the first to use that system, and also, it is it's own genre now. Just like a 2D fighting game, or an FPS game. Sure, on the surface

Sure, you can't reinvent the wheel every time, but visuals aside this game seems like a clunky retread of a long since tired gameplay loop. I haven't seen anything whatsoever that hasn't already been done, and by all appearances done more fluidly. Reasonable minds and tastes may differ, but to me it just seems very

While the graphics look jaw-droppingly amazing, I can't say the same about the gameplay, unfortunately.

What's the point of having it be 3rd person if it plays like it's first person? I mean seriously, this is the dumbest thing I've seen from a gameplay perspective.

I'm sad that this is a 3rd person shooter. So far, nothing about the gameplay makes me excited. The game looks incredible. This is incredibly atmospheric and looks gorgeous, but the gameplay looks like it doesn't deserve the beauty that it's getting.

Yes, which is why (I assume) they let me see it. They know it's good and people are not excited about it. I think they trust the material, and allowed early reviews because it was probably the best way to drum up any sort of buzz. Which it deserves.

Tom Cruise is a freaking batshit crazy whack job, but he's got a pretty great track record for making entertaining movies. And you probably get to see him die 30 times.

I'm one of the few who really loved Oblivion, so I was really hyped about this movie. I'm glad to see it's worth the money.

Murdering animals? You mean horrifying Nazi cyborg dogs?