
Makes sense for someone who brings fists and knives to gunfights every night.

You just saw it on PC with the highest settings (probably, and sadly).

This is the benefit of cutting off the last gen consoles! Thank you Rocksteady for not making this cross-gen. Can't wait to see what it looks like on PC with the highest settings. Pants will be shat!

...before anyone says I'm gay-bashing/homophobe or whatever, you don't know jack if you think that.

Im specifically talking about the ones that push it in your face, not generally speaking. There is a large subset of the culture that is all about making sure everyone knows it - you know that as well as I do. I was talking directly about your post. Its ok for you to tell anti-gays to get over themselves, but

Way to force another company to submit to the gay mafia. Good job.

No, but be prepared to be demonized regardless, just in case.

Because they're not gay?

hum yes it would. Portrayal of fictional character IS important. It's like saying:

This isn't news... Its just gross, and slightly offensive.

It is because Jason Scherier is gay. The kotaku writer who wrote this article. That is why the gay agenda is being pushed within Kotaku.

This is really annoying in my opinion. I'm all for gay rights and I think gay marriage should be legalized but that doesn't mean I want to see every single cultural medium an example of gay marriage. I think that Nintendo is just riding the hype train with this, I mean gay marriage is one thing but Yoshi beastiality?

Oh god... not again...

These characters would never get married. Don't force homosexuality on individuals that are very clearly either not gay or are deliberately ambiguous. That makes the fight for equality seem like a fight to belittle the actual ability of choice.

Why do they need to be portrayed as gay at all? All their characters have been pretty asexual.

It's like Kotaku has this agenda it's pushing but I just can't seem to put my finger on it......

I'm all for marriage equality, but the criticism directed at Nintendo over this non-issue is completely moronic.

This is beyond stupid. Gays need to get over themselves. They're lifestyle doesn't need to be included in a game pointed at a crowd of 8-16 year olds.

You know...there's a lot to be said for the 2 bit game era...when games were asexual. When games weren't about politics...they were

Hrm. I'm for gay marriage, but this ruins childhoods.