
Maybe the Superman Vs Batman will show them in happier times?

does anyone else realize how crazy this is? like only 10 years ago, if you were a fan of some medieval fantasy book thing, you'd be consider a nerd (in not the good way), pretty much same thing with the Walking Dead, but now both are like the biggest pop culture phenomenons.

Imagine Days of Our Lives, but everyone gets to kill each other. Plus there's tits and dragons.

oooh edgy

Personally the Xbox is getting better. Where as what Sony did with the PS3 (removing BC etc) made that console worse. Either way it wont harm either console in the long run.

The voice commands to turn on/off the system and snap/go to apps is easily worth the extra $100 to me. The Xbox One gets my focus over my PS4 and Wii U mainly do to the ease of use, TV intergration and the controller (also prefer Titanfall over Infamous); it is a shame some won't get a chance to use the voice command

Affleck got HUGE!

You didn't read the article, did you? It's right there in the third paragraph by itself. This only applies to Xbox One.

Did you...not read it?

Posted this on Gizmodo, but probably more apt here:

i am a big fan of Kinect 2.0 and couldn't imagine using the XB1 without it. i feel that Kinect is what made the system truly next-gen and i can only hope that MS will continue to improve it and devs will make use of it. This is a step back in my opinion, but whatever, the people have spoken....hurray...

"The third Diablo game will finally hit current-gen consoles (minus Wii U)..."

I've always been pro-EA bashing. Doesn't even have to be true. Did you know EA prints it's games on BluRays made of puppy bones?

I wonder how many articles about this you guys will write over the course of the next week. Tomodachi Life had 3.

It's starting to get old.

"Fostering goodwill"; translated, this means, "give me something for free, because I spent $50 once on a game you made, so now you have to continue to provide free servers for the rest of time, and support the game forever, despite the fact that only a small handful of people still play it." This is a -terrible-

It'd be really expensive for EA to add dedicated servers to these games that hardly sell any copies. In fact, 1942 doesn't sell any — it's free. GameSpy is to blame here, not EA. Go take your circlejerk elsewhere.

Honestly, I think people getting upset about games no one is actually playing anymore losing the online capability is a bit much. Don't get me wrong, there is a ton of shit wrong with EA, Activision, and others. However, I really think we are getting a bit bent out of shape over nothing and gamers can be a bit

Well... you did wait like, 8 years to pick it up...

Gamespy did Battlefront's online gameplay, not EA. It has shutdown as well, but Gameranger will be picking up support for it. Chill your EA bashing and do your research. You'll get to play your $4.99 game.…

"EA Killing Online Support" is negative click-bait and banal EA bashing.
Let's be realistic, some of these are pretty old games. It would be within their best interests to let these classics slip into a deep sleep. It's not as if these games have any large online presence like CS 1.6 and the like. How about we