
Why? Because I'm not gay, yet tolerate others lifestyles? I wasn't aware that homosexuality was the norm. Apologies! And for clarification because you are apparently way up on a big ass horse, a brief refresher on what an alternative lifestyle means. An alternative lifestyle is a lifestyle diverse in respect to

Seriously? or was that sarcasm?

I support same sex marriage but I feel reserved to this news. How the game handles marriage is indeed within the creative freedom of Nintendo. Will those people ask for same sex breeding in daycare centre of pokemon, too?

They should yell at the government which doesn't bring sex sex marriage to the real world instead

this is the beginning of the end. Apparently a company can no longer present a product that matches their vision. If you are gay and want to marry in real life, go ahead i wont stop you but i wont support you either. However, please stop telling others what they should and should not include in their products.

if you don't like the game, then don't buy it ... case closed

They should have stood up and defended themselves. Game developers aren't going to have creative freedom as long as they allow social groups to politic until they get their desired result. If you don't like then voice your opinion by not buying it. Quit whining to developers until you get your way.

Of for heaven sake, why oh why do we keep having to cater to the vast minority of people just because they are the vocal ones online.

Now I really don't see what all the uproar is about with this game. This game wasn't controversial when it came out in Japan. I'm all for folks doing their thing. To each their own. But to flip out because a life simulator video game aimed at kids(and it is, but I'm sure lots of adults dig it too) doesn't have gay

Fuck that. Nintendo or any company for that matter should have to apologize or feel forced into accepting "gay marriage". By no means am I against. If it makes you happy, go for it. But if I created a game and I decided not to allow two characters of the same sex get married and that offends you, then don't

Next release: Gay relationships. Transgender community complains.

The funny thing is that marriage is not a right, even though in the eyes of those with an agenda it seems to be.

It seems special interest groups like this much prefer shaming individuals and companies rather than give a friendly-yet-firm reminder of how things have changed.

What I don't understand is that when they were blunt, you were all bitching, saying that it wouldn't be that difficult to add such a feature. They gave fake sincerity covered with sprinkles, and suddenly you understand that maybe it's not as easy as you thought before. They weren't rude earlier, they just didn't

I wonder how many people bitched about this because it is the internet and it is fun to bitch versus how many actual gay people had an issue with this?

I find this kind of irritating. Games are not the same as equal rights. Devs get crap all the time for either including gay relationships or excluding them. But this is just entertainment, why does everyone have to freak out? Why not focus the energy on *actual* rights, rather than trying to govern a private company?

WOOOOOOOOO, fuck net neutrality or actually protesting for Gay rights in real life. WE WONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

Nintendo was way too kind to apologize over this.

Are you guys happy now? You got the response you wanted. You've successfully forced your eastern culture of homosexual tolerance onto a company firmly resolute on western, Japanese culture where homosexuality isn't the norm. Right or wrong, you FORCED the company into saying this and that's unacceptable. With the LGBT

Why would they need to apologize? Gamers need to stop vilifying products if they aren't exactly what they want them to be

Gay marriage in everything! Not gay marriage in the next Wolfenstein, no purchase!