
Yet when Microsoft do the same, it is seen in a negative "they are only covering their backs" kind of way...

You idiotic fanboys are hilarious; MS are damned if they do and damned if they don't for people like you, and hence why your opinion languishes at the very bottom of this story :)

Right? I like how the ones offended by rape sem to ignore the murder of innocent people children, babies, the slavery, the detailed and drawn out scenes in which theon was violently tortured, All of the things, including the rape, are equally bad things. I'd also say the long drawn out torture is worse. That's why

The story has also had ample, and I mean ample, amounts of killing. Should they have steered clear of the Red Wedding on that basis? This seems a point that you and those agree with you seem to overlook: That horrible things happening is consistent with the Game of Thrones universe. I mean, a kid gets pushed out of

they are completely arrogant, after selling 100 millions Wii and 150 millions DS, it's like they fought they could never fail. Everybody said the same things, change the name, your marketing makes the gamepad look like an accessory to the wii, you need new IPs, stop putting all your hopes on Mario games, you need to

Because when I have my M7 out of its case at home it feels so nice I just want to hold it and rub it on my face.

I spent more time modding that game then playing it.

i always love honest trailers. it's that damn voice... and witty lines hahaha... shite now i wanna get skyrim again! nooooooooooooooo!

This 7.1 times!

This. This. This. This. This. (In other words, I agree.)

And by the same token, Larry Johnson should be thrown out of the NBA and banned for life for calling for an all black league, which is just as racist as Sterling's private conversation. The differences Sterling didn't say that in public, but Johnson posted it on Twitter. But Johnson gets a pass because he is black.

When the next round of consoles rolls out and they are all-digital, people are gonna flip their shit because they "aren't ready" for it. But they'll look back at Microsoft trying to ease them into and realize bitching like they did was foolish because digital WAS IN FACT, the future. And here's more proof.

I'm pretty sure nobody else wants their most damning 10 minutes of private conversation broadcast across the internet either. Donald Sterling is a bad dude, but he should have the same right to privacy as anyone else. He is ABSOLUTELY a victim of our modern sensationalist media. He didn't go out in public to

Unfortunately, he actually is a victim. Not a victim of all the outrage, but a victim of someone invading his privacy. Bigots can still be victims of crimes, and in this case, he was taped without his knowledge. Having said that, I don't think anyone is going to be shedding any tears over it. Whether his comments

Frankly, I agree with Olin. I don't give a shit what anybody believes in or who they hate, as long as they don't do it publicly or to my face. Doesn't mean I condone, share or support their vitriolic and archaic beliefs. That's called acceptance, folks.

This is ridiculous. It's just his opinion! For one thing it's hardly an unreasonable opinion, and more importantly, he should be able to speak his mind without his employer firing him.

I just don't get any of this on either side. I recently read some comments from Kareem Abdul Jabbar on this and I think he pretty much nailed it. This Sterling is a turd. But he's been a turd for decades. He should be rolled out for real reasons. What exactly is the right to privacy and what can we say and not say

Honestly, as bad as it to say, he's right. I mean, I personally think that Donald is a friggen ass for it. But really, no one has the right to force your opinions on others. Even if its something as stupid and should die out as bigotry. I mean, that is kinda one of the things our modern society is built on, everybody

Seriously, TurtleRock comes out looking pretty bad in this. Hopefully this guy finds employers who value his rights.

So much for freedom of speech.