
Well put. For every time I remind somebody to remember the context in which phrases are used, and what makes them okay or not okay to use, there's always some dunce who veers too far into literality and completely misses the point of "context", which is that it's inherently not a simple, black and white situation.

Lets switch the genders of this commercial for a second. Every feminist known to man would scream bloody Mary.

Can we get one of those with Xbone and PC?

I sure hope that the Glorious PC Master Race is downloading 7 million copies of UT2004. It's the best PC game that is, was and ever will be.

Ryse was developed by a western company. The west is generally about 20 years behind Japan when it comes to things like these.

You could always look at it this way...if you upgrade your ps4, in the future, to a 1TB drive, you have to get a 1TB drive...if you want to expand the xb1 to 1TB, you're only going to have to get an 500gb drive. One you can add onto, the other, you have to replace completely...

The Xbox One has future support for external drives though.

Still very suspicious when your dick is out.

This shit about Black Friday is overblown, because of a few incidents that happen over the entire US across thousands of stores, ya'll make it as if Black Friday is entering the ThunderDome. 99% of the time the worst thing to happen is people have to wait in long lines. I guess it's just a slow news day.

Thank you. Even if we assume it's a man writing to a woman, this is merely the default option available among other choices. It isn't as if the "girlfriend who cares nothing about gaming" is uncommon, either.

Truth missiles incoming.

Didn't see the problem when I saw this during the day shift, don't see it now. Hell, my wife calls me "honey", and tells me I am beautiful. My brother-in-law's wife is a rabid football fan, while he's just a geek like me who doesn't quite get it.

No, he's right. It's a complete and utter non-issue.

The funny part about that is you only being able to imagine a guy begging to a girl is just as much a stereotype as anything in the letter. I don't really think the letter is sexist at all, rather people are just projecting sexism into it.

Non-issue of the day award.



FYI it is still pretty typical that your average female significant other isn't going to be into gaming. A letter like this would easily apply to someone like my wife, for example.

Youre saying a woman couldnt write this letter? The red parts are interchangeable so it could certainly come from a woman...

Is it just me or there a lot of fake links?