
I hope he loses enough weight to warrant buying a fat-suit for his Francis persona. Good luck, my fellow chunk!

How is that vile? I giggled a bit, I like when PR has a sense of humor.

I didn't notice anything wrong. Did I miss something?

If I say Asian pop music sucks, no one bats an eye. But when I say JRPGs and Asian MMOs suck, well then everyone loses their minds! Opinions... I don't get 'em.

Yeah, absolutely. A father like that is a cool father. Me, I've got to struggle against family who still thinks video games are bad, and who couldn't really support me if they wanted to.

Until they learn how to get back up.

Well... part of it is that we have "inner-city" crime and they don't. If you remove ghetto crime from our statistics, the USA is actually pretty similar to other countries in terms of violence.

Hmm, I guess I didn't notice with consoles acquiring all the social, multi-media functionality, free to play, and online networking features derived from PCs. Then the x86 architecture, apu-like chips, just more standard PC hardware, and Sony's system architect saying the machine used "super-charged PC architecture".

I've made no secret about the fact that the Wii-U was going to be a failure. I know that is harsh but lets be real, guys. The Xbox One and PS4 both sold over a million consoles in their first week. Why? Because they were marketed as the true next gen and shown to be a real step forward. Nintendo didn't wait enough and

So... you pretty much buy everything?

Yeah because video games and realism sure go hand-in-hand.

I thought being racist means y'know..actually hating the race.

Really? I mean really? Fuck off. She's white so she can't wear a traditionally Asian dress? What the fuck is this shit?

Best argument I've read in favor of Kinja. It's like our political system, sure it screws us over, but at least we know what we're in for!

hey, at least it fucks up consistently

Well... as with the Ps4.

If the fail rate is around 1% and they sold 1 million units that would still be 10.000 people with broken units. So 150 contacting one of the better known gaming sites shouldn't be that surprising.

A statistician would slap you for reporting on such small sample sizes. :)

If you notice, she switches to an acoustic violin during the rain, then goes back the the sweet electric one. It seemed prerecorded, so it could have been a bad or really cheap violin for that segment too.

In Gaben we trust get a new Xbox One.