
Aw, there's no boobs in this one for people to call unrealistic and inappropriate.

I would be more than ok if a certain someone didn't come back in the show. I thought that whole part was dumb and useless from the start. I also love how they're sending Pod with her, whereas if my memory is right she went alone in the book?

It's fantasy, making sense isn't required.

They didn't have the budget to do the original story (raid 2).

Mullets are a sign of prosperity??

"Mousetraps on your penis."

"No PC game manages lighting like this:"

Frustrating that even phones are at 1080p now and supposedly the LG G3 will be even higher. Meanwhile any affordable monitors are still just sitting at 1080p.

I'd fall in love with you for that.

Crysis 3, Metro Last Light, Battlefield 4.

I actually stopped playing AC4 during one of the follow missions and haven't gone back. I just couldn't do it again after the 100 previous times.

Why is it these days any non positive thing said about gays = homophobic? Are they that delicate and need protecting from anything and everything?

Absolutely LOVED enslaved, such a beautiful game. It was even better after getting it on PC and tweaking the unreal ini to fix the low textures and lighting. Also, Andy Serkis.

So a field where the vast majority of applicants are men 'needs' to be more equal despite women only being around 30 percent of the applicants? This is just going to be Title IX abuse all over again.

He also used his own money (along with the director) to finance the new Riddick money as well since no studios would back it.

It's Japan, they always have a next level.

I still don't understand why Ender is so beat up over killing off the species that tried to exterminate everything on Earth. Because some queen promises they changed their minds? Then he takes a new queen to rebuild the said race that almost wiped us out..makes a lot of sense.

This is why despite people making freedom jokes and what not I love living in America where the first amendment is still in place.

I think the change was solidified a couple years back when Coldplay won the best 'rock' album grammy.

Doing the same story over and over again can explain almost every Nintendo game ever made.