
98% of Japanese anime characters don't look outright Japanese..

This comment can be applied to almost every article posted on here.

"Is designing a woman wearing a bikini into life-or-death battle sexist? Yes."

This is why I stay frost build on my wizard. Melee classes are so boring to me in the game and don't need my wizard becoming one. Plus still have little problem farming torment 5.

"The highway fight between Cap and WS had some of the best action I've seen since The Children of Men."

And with that my anticipation for seeing the movie is unbearable.

Quick, say something funny.

What class and level are those stats from?

Holy shit for a split second I thought the bottom had a real model in it. The shoes still look real to me.

I wouldn't hold my breathe, 343 said they made the same fix in Halo 4 and it did nothing.

it's meant more as a workstation card. Certain programs can eat up a lot of vram depending on what you're working on.

I can't think of a single person who plays emulated games with a mouse and keyboard.

The scenes they've added that weren't in the books giving more insight to certain characters have all been great as well. Some crazy talented people working on that show.

I want Rome during its height in power.

Are you under the impression that Halo is a yearly release?

Any game that comes out and isn't being ported the the PS3 or 360 can't run on the WiiU. That in itself makes it a last gen console. There's no point in mentioning it because third party support for is currently falling off a cliff and is going to hit bottom very soon. The only time the WiiU will be worth mention is

Don't release patch and game has issues - people complain.

Why is it garbage?

I play UT2k4 on windows 8 and don't notice any mouse difference from 7. Also, literally a 1 minute fix and you won't see metro ever again. Another minute fix and you have the start menu back leaving you with a faster and just overall better OS.

You actually miss Jesus? The guy was a prick 24/7.

UT also never needed map packs either since epic provided the UDK and all the best maps were user created. Those were the days.