
"I found the last Batman game to be lacking regardless of platform.... Congrats people... you wanted specs over interesting games..."

If you have the means watch the third one on a 7.1 system. It still has the best sound design of any movie out.

It's ironic because you always hear from other countries how Americans are so afraid of boobs yada yada yet they censor video games.

Forget physx and adaptive vynsc (even though it does work great in BF4 for my 670). The best thing Nvidia has right now is shadowplay. Being able to record at 1080p 60fps or stream with barely any performance hit saving money from not having to get a capture card is great.

Pretty much her and her husband were separated and no longer living together but not officially divorced. She invited her new boyfriend to come live in her house but apparently he did something she didn't like so she called the ex husband to come deal with it and let him in the front door. I'm sure she's a keeper.

I was wondering when that word would come up. You do know that throwing it around in every situation someone blames a women makes it lose it's meaning yes? At least you managed to not rant about the patriarchy.

Hell if you had told younger me that it would be beaten by tens of thousands of people playing at one time I would of been so confused.

Please tell us more about how your life is superior to hundreds of thousands of people you've never met.

and China.

Every person in wow calls their characters toons.

Like I said, you don't know Azure very well. Google is your friend.

You don't know azure very well if you think it'll be stressed to the point where it needs to drop a game with 10k players. Especially in the future when it's built up even more.

Azure doesn't give a set amount of servers to a game. It's dynamic, so when it needs more it gives more, when it needs less it gives less. Unless Azure goes down the game isn't magically going to be shut off.

I used to think that until I got an Xtrac and it really does track my MX518's movement (especially the tiny adjustments) much better than any other mousepad I've used. All while being much more durable, I got mine over 2 years ago and it still looks and performs like new.

Xtrac Pads Ripper XL.

Is that the homeless Calvin and Hobbes?

Now playing

All of these trailers just kill my interest. Which is a shame because the first one had me so hyped and excited.

I watched a grunt drag another friendly grunt around a corner, I didn't investigate further.

It's funny because DC says making a Wonder Woman movie would be too hard story wise. Then here's Marvel coming out with a movie with a giant tree and badass trigger happy raccoon.

He needs his own video game. A good one though.