
Knowing nothing about this comic, is it pretty much the Marvel version of Firefly?

Also terrifying because you could be working on nothing.

Probably the same.

That's a damn good looking cat.

Calling CoD a twitch shooter made my eye twitch. But yea I could agree to most console only gamers it won't matter, actually for third person games like Assassin's Creed a steady 30 FPS for consoles isn't a bad experience at all. I just hope modern FPS's take a page from CoD's book and keep it at 60fps even if it

I can't give any firm evidence of it being a huge factor in the future, but I still believe it will be. The reason for that is both companies want this console generation to last for 10 years, that's a lot of time for the average internet speed to increase and for cloud technology to progress to a point where it could

How does 60fps not matter for consoles? Being one of the only games this generation to run at 60fps is a huge part of why CoD was so popular.

Actually imo FPS is more important than 1080p and also it's been proven again and again that people can see past even 60 fps.

I sold two codes as well, they were both gone within 5 minutes too. People really want to play this game.

It doesn't have a campaign.

I got $70 for mine and saw some go for as much as $100 when they were first sent out.

The second I woke up on Valentine's day and saw my keys I put the XB1 code on ebay which sold for $70 then kept my origin one for myself. The next day I got another origin key somehow and sold that one for $20. I'm really enjoying this beta.

I understand your simple comparison, which is how I know it's bad. Also, it had nothing to do with the XB1, it was code within the game itself that had to be fixed and more than likely would've gone unnoticed without the beta. Not sure how servers going down for a bit during a beta is all it takes to qualify as a

Because comparing poorly made food to a stress beta meant to, you guessed it, stress the servers in order to find any kinks in the complex code that makes up a game is in any way the same.

Exactly how I felt, left cold. My favorite game of all time that I still play is the Unreal Tournament series (I like CS too but haven't touched it in awhile). Those style of games are one you never stopped getting better at and gave a great sense of accomplishment when you improved. No need for levels or unlocks,

The fact that these days people consider CoD a twitch shooter pains me.

That's the worst comparison I've seen in a long time.

Yea, the only thing I would maybe get from them would be the mixer if I was playing something on console.

If you're looking for something with an attached mic and for console (can also be for PC) my first recommendation would be Sennheiser 360s. If for PC don't ever look at anything called gamer headset or 7.1 yada yada, it's a gimmick. An Audio Technica AD700 could out perform those 'gaming' headsets in both quality and

Me, I just don't waste it on Astros.