
I see the majority of people still don't know what a beta is. Just complain if they don't get an invite and complain if they do and anything goes wrong while they're playing.

Sell it, I sold my XB1 code for $70.

Guess I got lucky. Got an Origin code and an XB1 code in the same email, I don't even have an XB1.

Wow, Norwegian prisoners have better living spaces than everyone in Sochi.

Did you use both of them? I actually wish I sold my Origin code too, the game's pretty cool but the bots sort of ruin it for me. I can see their dilemma though with it feeling empty without the bots and would be overcrowded with more real players all being able to get mechs.

It's crazy how bad people want in the titanfall beta. Sold my XB1 code for $70 and kept the origin one for myself.

The fuck, really?

My front door is a huge prude that demands the key to be jiggled 10 times before finding the right spot.

Who wouldn't fall in love with the prince of all Saiyans.

It's using the source engine which is extremely easy for practically any rig to run.

No, it's a modified source engine (Valve's engine).


Holy shit that really does look comfy.

Origin is bad why exactly?

I'll play you!

There are still TAM servers that are populated in 2k4

Now playing

Sorry but, nope! Here's a short video from one morning when I jumped back on. You could flak away I'll just hitscan you to death, but I still won't miss with spam weapons either ;).


I mainly play TDM when no one else is on and ever since the last patch there's been a no sound bug in that playlist that isn't fixed yet. Go DICE.

Real man here who doesn't have issue with talking about none manly things. Being around a girl who uses a perfume that you absolutely hate isn't fun.