
That makes me sad :(

So she said it's not a political statement but then has a link at the very top of the blog to an article called "Why patriarchy fears the scissors: for women, short hair is a political statement."

Now playing

Yep! I never read the books so I'm not sure if some one who has would enjoy it, I thought it was pretty entertaining though. The ending just annoyed me when he suddenly wanted to save the bugs.

Now playing

I'll take this type of Jedi fighting over the original trilogy's choreography any day. I even enjoy the idea of completely overpowered Jedi like in the Force Unleashed game. Star Wars fans don't like me very much.

I don't know about you but I go to see fantasy movies for the fantasy, not realism. You can't tell me the final fight between Anakin and Obi-wan wasn't choreographed extremely well.

Well he did have a cameo in Insidious so at least he's still getting some work.

Ok I just watched that movie and can't understand why he feels so bad about killing a race that invaded and almost wiped out humanity. Then he decides that taking a queen of said race to a new planet for them to repopulate and rebuild is a good idea.

They justify it by claiming you're just taking out a cluster of cells and not an actual baby.

That's just it. How many people on here and other places say how much they love Pacific Rim just because of the giant monster battles. That's how I look at Transformers, except replace giant monsters with giant robots and the best sound design of any movie out.

It's transformers, anyone who goes into it expecting some award winning storyline deserve to be disappointed.

The monologues in the Need for Speed Rivals game...I can't even.

Oh they enjoy things, you just prolly haven't heard of any of it.

I really want to see more information on The Order: 1886.

Yea it's true you don't really need more than 750 watts for an SLI/CF builds, but having that extra headroom if you decide to overclock is always a good thing.

I went with a 1090t for more of a budget and I wish I'd gone intel. They're just more future proof and better at just about everything, especially outside the realm of gaming.

I currently have a AMD 1090t @ 4.0ghz and really want to go intel. I just can't justify the cost though since I would need a new motherboard on top of it.

Also, anyone with a 7.1 sound system can attest to the fact that Dark of the Moon is still the best sounding movie out. The attention to detail in the audio work is nothing short of amazing. Star Trek Into Darkness is a close second place.

That 10 minutes earlier were the good men.

So basically last of us?

I kind of wish someone would make a Day Z clone with a better base engine.