
I wish there was on board as well. At the moment though using XBMC and changing the options to do passthrough letting my receiver do all the work has worked very well.

I'm not sure what their current situation for next gen will be because of course they need to wait to get their hands on them. However for this gen I've been using an XIM Edge and I completely love and would recommend it. Just scroll down on their website ( ). I was skeptical at first but everything they say

I know and I agree, was just pointing out that it's another 30 FPS game. When I said not as important I just meant that for most people they won't notice in a game like AC compared to any FPS.

Not that it's the most important game to have 60 fps in but AC IV only runs at 30 fps on Ps4 as well.

Buy XiM - Have mouse support for all consoles games - Proceed to dominate online.

If nothing else I sincerely hope that white controller comes to retail, it's so pretty.

Reading people saying that makes me think they haven't had their eyes checked in awhile. I still don't think Ghosts looks all that great for a next gen game but the difference between the consoles is still huge.

"PC is a bit rough, because there is no baseline for pc, it's about a thousand possible configurations."

Has full clothes coverage and there are no giant boobs, yup it's a guy.

Well yea. I guess I should of been clearer and said that this is a 1080p@60 FPS uncompressed video which is why it's so large. Reason being 1080p@60 FPS alone doesn't make a file large if it's converted to say h.264. I was only trying to point out that just because a game is prettier doesn't somehow make the recording

If that were true my recordings of Unreal Tournament 99/2k4 and Battlefield 4/Crysis 3 wouldn't all be the exact same size at a set time.

As Far as sounds go, going from a battlefield game on my home theater (PC with wireless controller to the TV) back to a CoD game the guns sound like little toys.

I got it for PC (have it for 360 as well) and while I'm still enjoying it I'm really sad about how they really added nothing graphically. Went to the options menu and it was bare bones except for resolution. I want this game re made in cryengine 3.

"But, it's 541 MB for 1:14 of console footage, which is the kind of thing that makes you wonder if some kind of shift will have to happen to accommodate all the ramped-up visuals of next-gen games."

I've heard many a badass story about them. This is the first that comes to mind.

I'm pretty sure they added a flux capacitor that's obviously not being taken advantage of here.

For now on instead of uselessly commenting on these articles about graphics I'm just going to post this picture.

Well in all fairness, they are porting this game to five different platforms. Can't imagine that's easy to do in the time frame they've been given.

You can't read two comments down before replying?

Yes, but I mean Rome as in the Roman Empire.