
Number 1 rule when playing GTA V online, TRUST NO ONE.

I gotta say while I'm not currently interested in the shield, if they come out with a later version that lets you stream your PC games to it while out of the house I'll buy it so damn quick.

I haven't tried it yet but in settings it seems that in shadow mode you can set how much time you want it to keep. When set at 10 minutes (which is the max for this mode) it says the file will be 3.8 gigs at 1080p with 60fps..which is amazing. It also has a manual setting if you want so it'll keep recording until you

If you were recording raw video which a lot of the free recording programs do then HDD comes into play because of the massive file sizes. However, this is using the built in video-encorder that automatically converts all video into h.264 which is an extremely efficient and small file size. So using this not only frees

Owls are awesome.

I didn't know anyone still found 70's color themes attractive. I feel like this console is the equivalent to my grandmother putting plastic covers over all her furniture.

I'm 25 and I know I like to. Even with PC I don't know how I used to survive with only one monitor.

I'm not seeing where this connection it coming from. Microsoft trying to make their OS more streamlined with more features some how equals them trying to be Apple?

It's been awhile since I've had to look up a word, I see myself using 'schadenfreude' a lot in the future.

I was going to do a long reply but after reading your other responses I can see you prefer to stay in your own little world no matter what anyone else says.

Oh that's right!! Excuse me while I go wrap myself in my American Flag and go on a murder rampage in GTA.

You just reminded me I haven't met my weekly water boarding quota. Shit I haven't bought or fired any guns this week either.

I don't think you know how things work.

In games, sure I'd say Playstation finished stronger, but services? Xbox absolutely won there.

Never in my life would I of though I'd see so much complaining over a 300mb patch. What is this 1999?

I'm willing to bet with Microsoft fully using Azure with the XB1 it'll just keep getting faster and more stable as well. I know Sony has been making improvements for the PSN but I haven't heard exactly what they've done.

Halo 4 on Legendary stood out to me as having pretty good AI. It wasn't ground breaking, but it was good enough for me to actively notice.

It's a lot more than just western, and much more enforced in certain parts of the world..