
I feel you, being good at the Halo's has made my rating laughable. I don't even troll or talk to anyone who isn't on my team at the time.

I understand completely. The point is you have no proof of this. As I said Destiny and Watch Dogs both have this same system and the initial impression for both of them is nowhere near a 'pitiful single player experience.' As of now it's just an extra social feature that you can choose to use or not.

Every game that's doing this allows you to turn off other people joining your game. I don't see how these games are having any less of a single player experience than anything else, especially Destiny which is massive. Then the same with Watch Dogs, there's single player and people can join your game. However, guess

If it really is capped at 30 for PC modders will fix that quick.

Domination mode is pretty much what you want.

BF4 is what I wanted BF3 to be. I actually went back to BF3 when the beta ended to try it out again and couldn't stand it anymore.

Now playing

Magikarp never forgives, and he never forgets.

Now playing

Even though everyone completely hates EA they did take a chance green lighting this game. It didn't even sell that great and we're still going to get a sequel (which if the trailer was really real time omg).

If there's a bow in any game you can be sure that's what I'll be using the whole time. My favorite one though which was also the hardest to use was the bow you could unlock in Resident Evil 5. Thing was annoying at first but then got so satisfying after getting good with it.

If XB1's UI ends up being close if not as customizable as windows phones are then it will for sure be the better UI. If not..then person preference I guess.

Who says they're all imported. Most of them are probably bred in Japan.

You know Ubisoft doesn't come and read these comments right?

He wasn't being a total dick to them, that wold imply that he was still talking to them which he wasn't. He was venting to a friend on twitter.

I wonder when the peace sign in every picture will die in Japan.

If you watched the video he said you can turn followers off. Which really is the only new social aspect to it other than making what the 360 already did more accessible. Plus, with more and more people getting into streaming the followers option is great for them.

I've thrown in the towel trying to battle against the vertical recordings. It's a battle that can't be won.

Oddly enough that's a real question actors can get asked these days.

No, they take full body scans, whether or not it's done naked who knows, but non the less they do it.

Being a dev they probably have earlier versions that aren't completely what the consumer will see.

I could be wrong, but I think this day in age a good amount of people have a knee jerk reaction thinking of it more like DLC. Plus on paper it doesn't sound like that much even though it should be a nice bit of new content.