
I don't know about other people, but I change discs a lot. I wish I knew about this before I went and bought the 25 ft HDMI so I could move the xbox next to the couch.

It's a CG trailer...not in any way made in real time so I don't get what comparison you're trying to make.

By bad press you mean the internet spouting out any and every rumor about a console that isn't even officially announced until the 21st? Anyone who lets themselves be swayed by rumors before the unveiling are either new to the internet or just plain dumb.

It's certainty more CPU dependent than anything. My GPU (670) wasn't even at 10 percent during the benchmark.

Not in SLI. However, you could still use one of them as a dedicated phsyx card.

Not really, even if you were to OC it I don't think it's worth the small jump. Especially since the 570 is still a great card.


I get you can't pause WoW, but it's not exactly the most intense game out there. Can easily have a speaker phone convo even while in heroics. Maybe he was doing arenas when he called?

GTA V is on the newer version on the Rage engine which ran Max Payne 3, and that ported very well to PC.

I'm with you, it looks like something you'd see in a futuristic Resident Evil or something.

Is it really that hard to figure out? Especially for some one with your user name.

Sigh, source engine on a next gen game? Seriously? Better be Source 2.0 because as is the engine lacks in many areas compared to other engines.

Oh please, if every country flipped out over something like this Canada would of kicked William and Kate out immediately for wearing those ridiculous cowboy costumes.

No no no, you see the favorite word of the 21st century is 'multi-culturilism'. So really the Koreans should feel bad for making Bill Gates feel awkward by the woman not having her hand in a pocket.

Couldn't finish..just dumb.

I was recently reading a review about Biochock and the writer actually said 'This game looks beautiful considering it's still using the same engine as Bioshock 1.' As this article points out, the Unreal Engine has gone through so many upgrades. Just blew my mind a video game reviewer failed to know that.

I use a adapter with my wireless xbox controller to play my single players games on the couch, love the thing. My TV is about 20 ft from my PC and get no lag/connection issues from it. Search Amazon for Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver.

Actually WoW Pandaria is much harder to run at max than you may think.

It took them this long to come out with just this? Three different sized blobs?

Or you could be the best person ever and given me that armor DLC code :p