
I guess five months late is better than never. Still think it's dumb how you can only see other ranks on waypoint. They even have the ranks on the lower right hand corner of peoples cards on waypoint. Sooo how hard could it be to put it on people's cards in game..........

Why don't you just add people? Playing alone makes the game so boring.

Your K/D is only 1.04 with a 44% win rate :/ doubt it was the teammates.

what's your xbl name

Now playing

That is the most orgasmic thought, graphics like this video for an MMO. No one would have any excuse left for standing in fire.

I'm calling by the end of this console generation at the latest. Of course assuming the whole world isn't at war by then.

Sigh, I have 100up/1oodown internet yet youtube videos never load unless it's early in the morning so can't watch any of these. Dumb.

Ah ok. Doubt it matters, after posting that I tried taking off the OC on my 670, but still crashed :(

Tried that on my 670, was a no go :(

What card are you using? Is it oc'd?

I'm having the same issue (using an nvidia 670 with latest beta driver and newest game patch). It's like the game just destroys my cards drivers or something making me restart lol.

Best Tron has an amazing soundtrack.

New beta drivers for Tomb Raider came out yesterday.

Nvidia came out with a new beta driver for the game yesterday (314.21 driver), also a new Tomb Raider patch is out as well (1 0 722 3). I updated both and am getting much higher frames from my 670. Beginning my second play through and am still loving it.

It seems the issue is with the new 314 drivers. If you're still rolling with the 310 or less it's fine. At least that's what I read.

anyone have comparison show with tess vs none?

Do you have the 314.07 drivers?

Agreed. I have a EVGA 670 and have it OC'd to 1200mhz with the stock fan, zero issues.

Actually, yes they are.