
Yep. I bring my corny lunchbox w/icebags basically everywhere I go. Couple of cans of chilled diet pop, 1 or 2 cheesesticks, 100cal bag of salty snacks&fruit cup or maybe a KIND bar. Catch a load of shite from most but I have NEVA EVA paid $7++for a super fattening+unhealthy Starbux frapacchino. xxoocf

I'm sorry for your troubles. The good news is you are paying the price for SEPT becuz your skin is on a 21 day cycle. Get out all the ook, keep up the good habit and it will get betta. xxoocf

Working in food service in CentralCA most servers end up being REQUIRED to tip split w/back of the house if you want your food fast&correct or any bus/custodial help at all. Nothing like watching the rookie figure out the scam. Oh yeah and those BOH folks are getting paid minwage too. xxoocf

When I watch this show I try hard not to be sad. These girls&the athlete guys live in such a disposable part of society. They all seem to have a “shelf life” of maybe 5-6 years tops. The girls “career” path is “connecting” w/an athlete, hopefully having a kid, then using that as an income source forevea. The guys are

Yep I agree its liberating. For about 15 min and then you actually need to accomplish something. Social glue—like manners and noticing other peoples wants&needs—is a drag but absolutely essential. We can choose to neglect our appearance and be free until we need something and all of a sudden pretty people—-(those at

Have the opposite issue becuz of AutoImm illness. Supersuper dry eyes, putting in eyedrops all day&night. PS Don't fear that procedure at the eyedoc—had it done and—-seriously it tickled and made me giggle. What I do is take fave NON waprof mascara and put it on all purdy. Then—taking time—put on a clear mascara on

Me too. xxoocf

How many Thai names have you had to be responsible for? Howabout 10 in a class of 37. Each name from a different region following DIFFERENT rules of pronouciation. Excellent theory—impossible practice. xxoocf

Yep Somebody has to take the role of JUDGEEJUDGERTON. Wish it didnt have to be me, but in a career of holding crying children, teased to distraction, breaking up fights that literally started with name calling, watching children/families publicly humiliated when guest speakers/leaders mis-pronounce their names so

As a schoolteacher for 20++years I cannot tell you a quicker way to torture your child every single day than giving them a unique name. Zephyr comes to mind for a boy. Sibhorn (still can’t spell it/or say it) for a girl then all the Chrysler/Mercedes/Porsche/Brandy/Martell/etc names rhyming names, Jesus Maria, Xochi,

I did Botox becuz of killer Migraine headaches. The Dr mostly shot up around my hairline and eyes. I loved it and plan to keep it up. For headaches it was 10+inj. I still have full expressions. PS Makes you SUPER sun sensitive! xxoocf

Yep. The Supervisor herself. Thinking about it STILL upsets so much I get a stomach ache. The exact quote continued on with "She would be such a pretty girl if she didn't have such bad skin." Of course being poor I had to keep working there until I found another job. xxoocf

Fact of life—-no $$$ but still insist looking on fleek. Maybelline is really not bad. Plus using L'Oreal for lips++and as long as you line your lips plus fill in lips w/ liner pencil—works great. Top brands are fun but so is having gas money, housing and great clothes. xxoocf

I had skin so bad the job I had commented on my skin in a full staff mtg. SHOCK! I didn’t really die although it felt like it. The best info I got was skin goes through a 21 day cycle of repair/renew. SOmetimes it doesn’t go along w/your monthly cycle—problems. Your skin is fragile and sensitive so treat gently. Also

I got a sample of Black Opium and was surprised at how good it smelled. Strong but not overwhelming and lasted about 3 hrs. xxoocf

I use diluted baby shampoos and prolly have 4-6 brushes in rotation. xxoocf

Oh yes—-smack her in the chops w/ wet mackerel. I have Severe Thyroid and AutoImmune illnesses. Finally after fighting for about 10 years to keep some shred of a functioning thyroid—I had a TOTAL thyroidectomy. Within a month of no diet changes (I kept online food journal w/my Fitbit) I gained 26 lbs. After two

Here's something even weirder. If you were "pushed" into early retirement and now realizing you are prolly gonna be doggone able/ready to work for the next—FREAK ME!!!—25+ years—you MAY be faced with the (prolly) ridiculous notion of completing higher ed becuz the jobs pay well and are not typically as physically

As one sweaty Chef I love UD—-this after using hairspray and the cheaper L'Oreal stuff on my face when I am poor. xxoocf

Absolutely not. And I tried. He just refuses and says "he forgets", etc. I hate it so much but he wins. xxoocf