
I do Ipsy and—-its pretty OK. I love the bags they include every month and use them as purse organizers for papers, receipts, stuff. The products are mostly interesting and useful more than glamourous and living in a more "country" area seldom get a chance to use a variety of products. They send more face washing

Sorri lovee but she most certainly will lap anyone who isn’t in this beeg world. Money, love, power, fame, intellectual juice—like it or not it all comes down to appearance first and then proving yourself next. Good luck to you and when you make it—-let us know! xxoocf

Allow me as someone who is almost THREE TIMES OLDER than you to say cheers! to many of your choices.Talking w/20-something gals I wish they would spend less in Sephor/Ulta and drop some coins into savings for travel, education, retirement, property ANYTHING. I agree w/Cerave eye cream but allow me to RAISE YOU and add

This has always puzzled me too. I understand there is little connection between outside “perfection” and being internally destroyed. Recently fashion designer L’Wren Scott killed herself—-she had the external appearance of having it all amd it still wasn’t enough. Just heartbreaking to lose anyone this way. xxoocf

I stayed forever because of religion, fear, no money, religion, fear.

Living in the broiling hot Central Vali of Cali—-where its 103 deg w/9% humidity and when you breathe you can hear lung meat sizzle—-YES!!!! for Coors. There are some nasty-ass beers out there and if the goal is high alcohol to get drunk faster—-hard likker! I will try me some Lennys RubyRed though but otherwise LONG

From other outlets The Mother mentioned the child waited 70 minutes total before food arrived. Additionally the Mother had not mentioned she brought snacks to help the child wait or even avoiding the 30 min wait to be seated and go to freakin’ Mickey Ds. Good example of parents unwilling to change their choices to

I understand. As a baker/decorator I was ordered to make a large flat naked torso of a female w/details on nipples and pubic area. They included a picture and color suggestions for the labia (magenta fading to soft pink) etc. I was embarrassed/unhappy AND as a result was “tormented and teased” by the other staff for

Her autobiography was really worth reading. She grew up in wretched circumstances. This whole affair thing was so awful I became impressed with her ability to withstand all the krap tossed her way in life. An inspiring survivor story. xxoocf

Sadly we all expect a guy to hook up his suspenders and hit the road but ladylove to stay around and cum around. Watching a decade of women say they are “bisexual” and spend their 30’s having affairs w/ other women so they are not only sexually satisfied but oftimes get the physical&emotional support women crave seems

Perfectly stated especially about "jumping class". Living in a small town @just the "right time" I was able to briefly do that very thing. But then I jumped back becuz seeing how 1st wives were bought&sold by wealthy husbands in favor of the 2nd "trophy wife" was terrifying. PS I totally agree about the cosmetic

Yeah but Aspirin is worse becuz you risk an IMMEDIATE throw up of blood rather than just a delayed liver issue. And Advil etc is the same. BTW—if we are all drinking so much every night that we worry about a couple of Tylenol harming our livers—well—we got some MUCH BIGGER ISSUES going on. Thankx. xxoocf

Becuz we live in the freakin’, burnin’. BLAZIN’ desert we celebrate PRIDE during the more temperate month of October. CANNOT WAIT to do this with a magenta lip of TooFaced Melted liquid lipstick in—IDK—Candy—mebbe?! Lovelovelove. xxoocf

Well done. The beeg secret that no one likes to admit is drinking is a total part of 99% Americans lives and like everything else social—it is a skill. Part of why so much drinking is tolerated by underage drinkers at college is THAT IS WHERE YOU LEARN TO DRINK. If you are stupid and get hurt from not handling your

This afternoon I am again working on decluttering having read BOTH books mentioned. Yes I just now ordered multiple serving “platters” not only by size, shape but also material. Now that I recognize I have SEVEN sets of dishes—I suppose I can cut down to merely THREE. Complete. Sets. What is worse I MONTHLY (as in

I loved every minute of it. Not only was it terrible BUT the attention to detail—JR spitting in his hand, use of lavender oil—all of that demonstrating dominance/violence and then attraction/obsession next. Terrific and knowing acting choices. Enjoyed the combo of present&future medical techniques w/Jamie’s hand. Also

Yep—me to the power of 10. BUT the good news is—-when forced by economic NECCESITY you will SUCK IT UP and dress as the male patriarchy—who signs your paycheck—-DEMANDS. The good news is UNDERWEAR—ha!ha!—-you slimy authoritative basterds. Can't see those crotchless panties under my SPanx can you?? You can always come

So IRL I have an unusual name. My husband calls it a 10 sec IQ test. PEOPLE NEVER GET IT RIGHT. No I won’t tell you. But the name above and about 6 others fill in for all the times peeps never get my name right. All of those names have TERRIFIC lives filled with lotz of cash and beaches. Just FYI——see that name up at

Sooooooooooooooooooo love this, BUT just FYI—-I was a nightnurse in an urban ER for two loooooong years and we had so many paint huffers come in. We could always tell because of the gold and silver flecks in their mustaches.......among other clues.......xoocf

I enjoy your reviews AND enjoy my Ipsy box every month. Usually even if I don’t use/like the product its lovely small pieces to add to presents, keep for little girl dressup or donate. Pleasant addition to day when the bag is in the mailbox. xxoocf