
I enjoyed both Cate Bs comments and the comments made by other readers. It seems to boil down to being happy doing who you like while being who you are at this moment. Kinda hard to build a secure safe long term monagamous relationship but oh well! xxoocf

Thanks so much for this. People lives in sugar houses and just can’t refuse to believe this stuff happens. It does and it did to me. Best day of my life was when I decided NO MORE and kept that ban for the rest of our lives. After you give someone—oh 10 million chances or so—you just gotta get smart. xxoocf

OUTSTANDNG. Annnnd...I LOVE YOU!!! Let’s go runaway together and have lotz ‘a liposuction! xxoocf

Hey gorgeous old babe!! 61 here and I look at younga sistah’s purse and want to cry! Either from envy—cuz no more will I spend BEEG bux on certain items—-or??—at how many years I did?? Now becuz I got this gut deep feeling I prolly will outlive my coins I count them verry carefully and seldom part with them for

I’m pretty much with you all the way. I keep thinking about the entire....ending/ and shudder. When reading the book, I was deeply affected and basically came to grips w/ some leftover PTSD stuff I had “hidden” away after my own assault. They’ve done pretty good so far—but I may skip watching until I

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS!!! This is driving me crazy, making me hate CLaire and avoid the show. If you change up the gender to—IDK—two young boys, two women basically anyone, CLaire comes out looking stupid and basically suicidual for NOT listening to people who know. Hope this is fixed and soon. xxoocf

What makes me sad all these moments could be used to address addicition problems and family issues. Watching Kim&Kyle fight is like watching a class on Adult Children of Alcoholics and all the issues around the families of addicts. KimR will just rinse&repeat—back into rehab, repent and begin again. xxoocf

First off—-go slow!! If you are very dark???you have an incredible natural beauty that will be to die for. Keep your skin carefully clean and SAVE your MONEY for the Lancome darker tones. No ash. Or oragne or weird. Right now use L'oreal Pink bottle primer stuff for down your tzone to stop greasey breakthrough. Use

I taught “troubled teens” for a decade in a school district and town that has been cited more than once by the DOJ for “racism”. The easiest way to make THIS REALITY more palatable is to put it in objective numbers. If you are a minority—what does that mean in number? If you are 10% of thepopulation that means you are

My thoughts exactly. From research it appears that rape by sodomy was absolutely typical of prisoner relations ESPECIALLY when there was also a secondary social class/political issue. Brutality—all for each and each gets some. xxoocf

I had to quit reading the series because I thought DG got so much history correct. As both a hist/plus hizrom reader, the lack of info so many women have about their past lives is stunning. To be female was to be regurlarly and routinly brutalized when physical strength ruled. Now—see Ellen Pau case from Silicon

Very well written commentary. However tip of the hat to Miz G 'herself. As both an historian and reader of hizromancez I was glad she got it right. Women COULD NOT HAS POSSIBLY behaved as they do for many good reasons. Loss of male fighters from battles caused by not having access to all the info could have caused

Obviously some haute couture is gonna have to be made for all us broads with “sharp elbows”. Ya know if they said we hadpointed noses it would make me feel a little better—considering the history of pointed noses and witches. xxoocf

Working in a community run by oil+ag interests everyday is a scene from the TV show “Dallas”. It’s all about which HS football team is killing it, then gossip about who’s having problems with “the ‘ole ticker” or prostate issues. There is not a day that goes by I’m not dealing with the “Darlin’ could you grab us some

This is not judgemental but seriously curious. I do complete am/pm skin care (usually w/some Korean products or multi-layers). Everyday—plus touchups during the day+night—I wear skin care/primer/color corrector/concealer/Bare Minerals Mineral Veil/eye shadow primer/eye shadow (One color)/eyeliner/mascara/mascara

If we look HARD at so many issues dealing with having kids—like it goes so much easier if you come from a physically healthy, mentally healthy, fianancially stable and loving and helpful family—seeing how few those are there is no surprise women given a choice would pass on kids. It rains all down on HER and if he

Thanks team EastCoast—this WestCoast babydoll is dead tired tonight and appreciated the playbyplay. Gonna just DVR and wait. But creepycrackercrap—Hakeem+Annika—that is just nasty! xxoocf

Wow. Lots of smart people making XLNT thoughtful replies here. Impressed. However, I really enjoyed Brad Gorski (name?) who actually seemed to KNOW SOMETHING about all this ephmeral "stuff" (legit saalams to "stuff" queen Meryl Streep in DEVILWEARSPRADA). xxoocf

Can you even START to imagine how much betta their lives are than ALL OF OURS???? I would take a my hard earned "soulfullness" and "experience" and "inner beauty crap" and toss it all under the nextbus to Fautus-town to be any of them for a week. #incrediblyluckyspermclub xxoocf

And Oreos. Sing sistah! xxoocf