
Ts the worst of Oklahoma and west texas

Love this

Sadly you are correct. However the wheel is turning

Hey are you buying? Ya seem like you got a lot to discuss. Cheers! Buy me Patron Reposardo and 805 Lager.

Sorry about not being clear. Let me try again. The writer spent a lot of time complain ing about wealthy celebrities& developers spending their enormous fortunes on Pickeball. My point was spend your millions on something positive for many people like outdoor social physical activities or spend your MILLIONS on deadly

Oh please. News flash RICH PEOPLE GET RICHER. Get over it. Go back be born into a better family push yourself HARD to learn skills you don't like to make more coins. Then maybe you too can support an outdoors physical activity that encourages positive social interactions. Those are THREE significant areas in desperate

You are so correct. That stuff was tragic and happened over decade ago. Are we FOREVERMORE going to undertreat and leave patients who appropriately manage chronic pain medications miserable unable to work and suffering? Had to throw Matthew Perry book across the room at the wall after his ability to get 100s of

Living in mostly ND world of art/emotions/risk gives an entirely new vocabulary set of experiences. What some see sexualized others see just another work day.

Another point to consider are the civilians who work for celebs. Having been small part of that world you cannot imagine how horrific paparazzi actually are! Most are desperate free lancers with no limits. Trying to take a 7year old to an airport bathroom and watching them lay on the floor inserting their super

Quick note. For many that word has been reclaimed as Charisma Uniqueness Nerve Talent just as Bitch has been reclaimed as Babe In Total Charge of Herself. Reclaimed word fits nicely in article wordspace.

You are so correct. Work with mentally ill and politicians refuse to address multi-million solutions required to manage too many undertreated under supervised mentally ill people. We need all of it. Housing medical care supervision genetic testingbecause severe mental illness has strong inherited trend.

One solution is to file Cease and Destist order on DJT and his comments

As educated female living in vicious majority Ruby red community tormented by Sunday TrumpTruck Parades criticized openly for wearing masks being pro vaxx being unable to avoid constant TVs blaring Fox News in businesses on and on just can’t wait. Have my split of champagne chilling. Tried hard to be kind accepting of

Working with many poor teen females and their families has been shocking to me. With basically no social safety net in the US it’s pretty bad. One teen female had a baby at 15 and another at 17. She was paid $35,000 per birth and given new Mustang convertible each time. She then got $7500 bonus for each other girl she

Living in another hyper Conservative community like this one—more than 60%voted DJT start to be at a loss how to help. Tragically YET AGAIN their combo of undereducation + bad life choices back them into deadly corners. Why do they decide to stay live in these food desert hellholes? With long history of severe

Sadly I agree with you. Spend 60-70% of my work day with males 13-17 years old. No limits of cell phones. They are gaming maybe 30% and porn 70%. Openly, constantly. Cannot imagine any research or studies will happen because males are protected porn is big business and no one wants to talk to teens about sexuality.

100100100. Live in Ruby red Super Cons community filled with undereducated dudes swinging these stupid trucks around everywhere So expensive and basically difficult for most women that aren't pole dancer fit to get in&out of

This prolly sounds weird but where do these OK peeps find the time to mind everybody’s beezwax? I swear werking constantly on personal life health nutrition learning hone mind etc and don’t have spare minute to stress over somebody else’s genitals. Maybe they can share time management techniques too?

100100100. Media must adjust their coverage. You cannot be neutral. If they can't do anything else just play the clips with date times location. It's no longer about being fair showing both sides. Loop in McConnell comments about candidate quality. Quit being such cowards!

Ok not fighting just trying to keep story organized. This event happened in 2016-6 years ago! It appears to be single occurrence. For 6years? The event has been used as an excuse? To divide the family rather than provide quality family counseling with intention to improve family understanding&love. What is AJs end