
I certainly didn’t have time to calculate anything backwards, but I got extremely lucky with several question that I didn’t have any right getting correct. I ended up with an A- on my first try even though I couldn’t remember, mine, my wife’s, or my neighbors’ name...

Oh, the places you will find snow after a yardsale like that.

This was very fun to read, I hope you do more of these. I’d like to see a fashion designer’s take on pauldrons...

I don’t know why, but I never could eat many almonds. Two or three and I’m good for a month. It’s not that I dislike them, I just find it very easy to overdose on almonds.

If you don’t get budget to deal with problems like that, then bad hardware like that needs to have an “accident”. Companies don’t realise that people like me can lose tens of thousands from a single lost email.

Both of my parent successfully used Champix to kick their smoking habits of roughly 40 years each (yay!). They were both pack-and-a-half smokers, so the impact on their health, and their wallets, were enormous. Canadian prices are insane; I expect they’ll save $10,000 to $20,000 a year.

It looks like there might be a circle-saw at the end that spins freely, the top and bottom teeth are stationary.

I live in Canada and we don’t use road salt, just sand. We don’t need to melt the roads, just make them grippy.

Makes a bit more sense when you put it like that. Guess I’ll get a nice electric blower if I ever need more than a rake :)

Is that... really a thing you’d do? Why?

It would also be nice if games could use custom 3d layouts of your controllers, for space or driving sims. That would make it much easier to find the throttle or type a message.

My last monitor cost me $1,000... A 4k screen to take advantage of my sli GTX 980s. Even if the Vive comes out at $1,500 I’ll be buying one, if it’s good.

Actually, how fast are they spinning in their graves? Can we connect them to turbines to harvest the free energy?

I really like how this list goes from relatively normal winter fanfare, to a bunch of really weird gadgets to a literal solution to the world ending because of a apocalypse and now you have to catch and eat your neighbors. Basically a normal Canadian winter.

How about $3.97?

I’m having a hard time believing BrrrIshCold’s kill streak wasn’t due to hacks... literally every shot was a one-shot headshot, they even switched to a pistol and kept spraying and getting headshots :/

I’m all for excessive appliances and even I am having trouble justifying this... And I justified a $2,000 icemaker!

A good step forward; an app does not need to exist if all of its capabilities can be loaded through a browser on the fly. It’s a natural progression we will probably see much more of, with YouTube and Gmail following suit eventually.

You’re learning very quickly what middle-class families learn about every product. Did you know you can buy $10,000 fridges? But why would you ever buy one? ...Until you have a fridge that lasts you 5 years.