
That’s really interesting! I wonder what kinds of applications the understanding of this phenomenon will have.

The Bitcoin is dead. Long live the Bitcoin!

Only if we allow them to coexist... I’d much rather see shipping containers versus an equal weight done army in a fight to the death. Sounds much more entertaining!

The bigger problem is he thinks Sony’s Playstation servers are better. BAHAHAHA

On PC it’s perfectly manageable, although a tutorial would have been nice :)

Yup, you hit it the nail on the head, it would be interesting if this was true, but as you pointed out, $4,300 a person would not solve poverty.

I’m enjoying the beautiful irony of this thread. I hope the next time you comment, you’ll receive smarter replies, or at the very least people who reply after reading your whole post :)

The Ugly Bison sounds like a great name for a pub.

This car is supernaturally aspirated!

It might be a difficult question to answer - is this a more environmentally friendly solution than people going to the gas station individually? Lets say ten neighbors use the Filld service at the same time; of course this would save gas because the trip made by ten vehicles would use ten times as much fuel. On the

I have a fireplace in the middle of my living room, and the TV sit on top of it. The back of the TV looks terrible, so this is quite a nice feature for me :)

I’m just buying whichever comes to market first, so probably oculus. I actually like the vive more, but it’s being developed on Valve time...

You must not be 6 feet tall... the fridge on top is a wonderful thing :)

It’s coming... Whirlpool has something called Precision Dispense Ultra for its most expensive front load washers. The dispenser doesn’t order your soap, but it does hold 15-30 loads of detergent depending on the soap and your water hardness.

Truth be told, you will not save money building a PC yourself. But it can be a very satisfying experience :) I highly recommend trying to build a computer.

My 6mo. old niece is named Mia and she is adorable.

I do want to clarify that I’m not trying say you shouldn’t consider indie games as a major reason to buy VR. I’m honestly trying warn people that AAA games, because they likely have very large art budgets, with more complicated graphics and effects, will run poorly, if at all, off of a GTX970.

Wow, just read the whole article and I gotta say, as someone who games at 4k for the past year already, there is no way in hell anything below their suggestion for “Hardcore” build is going to run VR without some serious struggle. Just be warned; if you try to run an Oculus Rift with a GTX970 you’re going to be

Not only that, $6,474/every four weeks is half of what you should make at $77 an hour. Unless you were only working 20 hours a week, which is... actually sounding really good, where do I sign up?