
It’s an easy fix though; slow the process down. If you want to order the product day one, the price is 30% higher and comes with a mail-in rebate that needs to be claimed (unique address required). After the first 30 days, the price drops and all the cards ship out at the same time. Market is flooded, scalpers can’t

I play so few video games every year, and I rarely play a game more than once because I can’t find the time, so I always play the game on the hardest difficulty. I don’t care about bragging rights, I just want the game to last as long as possible. I really hate games that just turn enemies into bullet sponges when you

Ooh! The humanity!

Yeah I hate the current US administration but, really? That’s called a photo shoot and I don’t see anything wrong with staging photos, especially because I just assume that they’re all staged anyways.

I’ve been going to a climbing gym for a few years now, pinch training can be done multiple times a day with relatively light weights. The muscles are usually so weak that they exhaust very quickly and would benefit from multiple sessions every day to maximize initial results. As you move to a more difficult training

The pun potential is at its maximum; dads everywhere are on the edge of their seats.

Definitely don’t pick up living objects with this unless you want to relieve them of their existence.

Does Nancy have a Facebook page? If I was Mark I would probably delete it and ban her.

I imagine this is the shape Dyson would use if they were making deodorant.

the community of Blue River will drop to negative 7 degrees Fahrenheit. “That’s climate change this oil and gas industry, this energy industry, is causing by building these pipelines in the first place,” said Manuel.

I’m still holding out for smart glasses :)

My sister is violently allergic to oranges. I know you can’t stop eating everything that people are are allergic to, but in the very rare circumstance that you’re on the same plane and you have to dump the orange while she gets hit with an epi pen, don’t take it personally.

The reason the Fold need to come out later is because there was very little tweaking that was required to optimize the S9/S10 models on Android 10. In fact, the optimizations are in no small part the start of what was necessary for the Fold. It’s kinda funny to think that Samsung has to customize thousands of UI

Being the sheriff, while black.

I will NOT get over it! How dare you tell me to do such.

I was so annoyed by the Tesla Truck news that I thought I’d check out Engadget... 5 articles out of 25 posted on the last 24 hours. The Cybertruck 2022 wins as the most over hyped media article of the day.

Knowing is half the battle, and battles are filled with hatred. Therefore conspiracy theorists theorists are less angry because they “know” while we're all still asking "why".

I really like all of the diseases you named, they're hilarious! But wypipodectomy? OMFG HAHAHAHAHA

Yeah that’s garbage, where was the manager? Why was it only unacceptable to have the kid working AFTER there was complaints? The manager should be reprimanded for poor judgment, not the employee.