
Counterpoint: if you played on normal, you might be able to play two games a year. More quantity and potentially more quality, eh?

I hate pence almost as much as I hate trump, but the full video clearly shows it was a joke.

I don’t want to antagonize you or start an argument, but your second paragraph completely answers 100% of the things you said you don’t get/understand.

Negatives are also a great way to work on pull ups if you aren’t there yet. Just jump to the top (or use a bench) and slowly lower yourself down. If you are going to go assisted definitely use bands vs the assisted machines at the gym. You will progress a lot faster because you still have to stabilize yourself.

Look, you know you’re wrong and your job here is to deceive, but you’re going to have to do better than this. You are going to have to find a less embarrassing and more constructive way to make up for the lost of your mother’s love than trolling a black-oriented website.


It’s still some serious bullshit. They should have cracked down on this stuff after what happened to Diana.

2 weeks = half a Scaramucci 

If this was Kraft cheese whiz, it would be slightly more product

First of all, since the fuck when is an open door cause for 5-0 to be all up in yoiur house, peeping in and shooting from outside like they don’t have any goddamn sense?

Wow ZERO reporting credit?!?!

Red is liberal in Canada, right?  

The driver already did: 216,000d6.

Its a success!
The insurance covers your damage plus tire damage for passenger cars. You just need to front the deductible!
downside of the near fail is that premiums will increase. 

Roll for your insurance bill.

Wow, imagine what would have happened if they rolled a 216,000 :|

don’t touch the dices, makes a good probability statistic >_<

I’m not sure what it is about Costco gas lines, but it seems as if everyone in front of me has never used a gas pump before, has no idea where their credit card is, and tops off between 10-20 times.

Agreed, Domino's is disgusting.

I said this above. The MAPP these toches use isn’t. Real MAPP is hard to find, I heard the company with the patent on it stop producing it over a decade ago. The MAPP-Pro you find in bernzomatic and other hardware store blow torches is a different mixture.

Butane is not the culinary standard. Its the standard for

I said this above. The MAPP these toches use isn’t. Real MAPP is hard to find, I heard the company with the patent