
Probably not a laser, and yes directional lights exist. It really make me wonder what the size of this device is.

Good story, I like the inherent irony with your name.

This is going to turn into one of those threads, isn't it? This is gonna be fun!

Aww crap, I knew something was wrong...

Hey no kidding? I actually WAS one of those kids who got kicked in the head by someone on a swing. Except I woke up well after the bell rang with absolutely no one around. I think I turned out okay.

Yup, no ability to steer a Cozy Coupe. Although I do like the idea of object fixation crossed with a classic deer in headlights situation. It's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Lesser known rule of physics:

Whaaat? Mine ended at exactly 5:00 so I thought I had reached the "forced" ending. I had those two wheels spinning up a storm!

The difference between no clothing and clothing that isn't protective against heat loss is negligible. The weight added is far more significant, and will increase your exhaustion level much faster. Get naked :)

Also, get naked. Wet clothes are useless, unless you buy clothes that are specially designed as boat wear.

I have two... the max you can last is 5 minutes. The guy also doesn't know the backstroke, or really have any sense of survival...

Thanks! From the link I was able to find out more about the brains behind the operation, the person who did the research is one Professor Paolo Di Trapani, it seems he has the qualifications necessary for me to shut up and enjoy how pretty this light is and not question the plausibility of it all :) because damn that

I have to train my dog to fetch like that!

And they never found a body...

Hey Alissa, how authentic do you think these images actually are? The only reason the sun shines through windows in beams is because the sun is millions of miles away from us. Every other source of light suffers from beam spread, just take your florescent office lights, which bloom light in every direction. The

If the tree was fragile enough to fall over from losing a large limb, its more likely a strong wind would simply blow the tree over first. That and trees have been know to disobey Newtonian physics, it's why you see the classic drawing of Sir Issac Newton getting hit by a falling apple. Apples are filled with

Well, I wrote that because having two fancy sounding words added bravado. But not knowing what torque and moments are is on a whole different level from not know what went wrong with every generation younger than you :P

Well you're not wrong, but it also wasn't necessary to explain the differences between torque and moments in this situation. People either would or would not understand it :)

That's... exactly what torque is :)

There are many states of matter, the four you mention are the observable states, which include the three primary states of solid, liquid, and solidus snake.