
I'm honestly surprised to hear that you can actually buy these things! I thought they were all just carefully directed satire. Possibly they still are? The products themselves might actually be modern social commentary...

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Such is the majesty of the mighty lever! Bow down before the forces of moments and torque!

Facebook needs a universal volume setting, videos like this leave me scrambling to turn the volume down.

What I wrote:

If this is the dumbest thing you're ever heard of then it seems you haven't been on the internet very long. Give it time, this won't even rank in your top ten dumbest things by the end of the week :)

That usually involves lots of papercuts.

Bureau "We need another bag of Palcohol, the first one turned wasn't enough to... get approved. Better send a couple dozen, then we can really get this part... approval started."

Of course there is always going to be bad food, and it's not going to get better over time. Companies and their marketing departments want to profit off you, and will do so in whatever way possible that hasn't been made illegal. The sooner people learn this for themselves, the better. Unfortunately there are many

Actually I would argue that I personally sell LOTS of $15,000 ovens, but that isn't the point. You're correct about the microwave magnetron, the oven cavity isn't particularly suited for this sort of thing; the magnetron would like have to be ~4000W - 8000W (up to 8x more than a standard microwave) to distribute even

Clever, the title can be read two ways. The title should have read "Scientists Figured Out a Way Generate Power Homes for Better to Have Good Yes". Problem Solved.


I... you know... requiring people to prove that they are dumber than an AI program would in theory be successful, and ultimately cause the absolute downfall of the human race. I could probably write a book about that one sentence you wrote, thanks!

Oh absolutely, but no matter how many attributes you give each photo, it would still fail the condition of being a publicly searchable database. This wouldn't slow it down at all.

Unfortunately even though it might seems to be good at first, these kinds of puzzles are extremely easy to bypass. The static nature of the pictures gives you multiple different avenues of attack.

People who purchase this toaster should get a free 1 year subscription to Bread Magazine, for all their designer bread needs.

You're so cynical, nobody ever thinks of the advantages of child labor!

You could say we've all been burned.

I was thinking the same thing, possibly this is the first time anyone has thought of using hubble to measure the parallax? But as anyone who has taken astronomy 100 would know (and is mentioned in the article), this is not a new concept.