
NO >:[

Possibly something is wrong with the Kinect, but I really think the rest are just glitches in the games, or poor UI decisions. But you really don't have any problem navigating the menus with Kinect hand gestures? Have you really tried it? I would have more luck trying to use my controller with a yardstick.

Yup definately too lazy, most of my problems could have been fixed via Google. Fiddling in the menus did fuck all though, I really have trouble seeing any kind of cohesion in the UI.

It's perfectly straightforward to make yourself [into cheese], in the comfort of your own home!

Thanks! Now I know where notifications are hiding :)

Ironically they did test the interface, because it's based on Windows 8. It was a heavy handed corporate decision, I'm sure, to model the interface that way because if they objectively looked at the dismal sales numbers for Windows 8 this interface never would have happened.

I am a disappointed owner... there are so many crap things about my console including the very regular crashing that all three of my launch games still exhibit (AC4, BF4, DR3).

Fair enough :)

And do you think the Samsung will last longer? Hahahaha

CLOCKONE is alright, but I still prefer QLOCKTWO, which unfortunately is even more expensive. I suppose you could settle for the Clock THREEjr if you don't mind a DIY knock-off. But if you want DIY then you could also get an Alpha Clock Five which is awesome in it's own way.

I dislike both, although I will admit Dell has gotten much more respectable than the early days when they used proprietary parts that required you to purchase upgrades through them.

Dude, its a Dell!

Sony did this last year with the Z, it was a serious contender until everyone else released their offerings for the year. I am a fan of Sony so I hope they're on to something, I really do want a waterproof phone... with wireless charging, and a built in pico projector (whatever happened to those?). For now I'll hold

Mmmm deadly, deadly silver. Reminds me of Samsung Silver Care washing machines, which were banned because, well, they were dumping toxic silver into the sewer. The Gorilla Glass probably doesn't use anywhere near as much silver and certainly won't get banned because of it. We just have to be mindful about recycling

The problem with apps is that they seems to expire; a significant change in the Google Glass software 5 years from now may require this Glassware app to be rewritten. I sincerely doubt that Hyundai will support software for even a 5 year old car, and even then it may require a firmware upgrade for the vehicle. It

Thanks for this, definitely bookmarked. Although I'm still struggling to see who Steam OS is actually for.

Yes, but that's why they froze the battery directly. The hardest thing is for the battery to start the vehicle, everything warms up within 15 minutes from the heat of the engine. The ice truck was the gimmick, the battery was the proof.

Wasn't there also something about drying out their eyes causing blindness even if there was no direct impact? I'm not a dog owner even though I do love dogs, allergies keep them away, but this is one of the few things I remember hearing.