Censorship is not ok.
Censorship is not ok.
Yeah, I guess I do tend to lump together people who support rape, tolerate rape, find rape funny or sexy, and use rape as a threat.
"Anything illegal is out of the question," Darkcrow said. "We've done fantasy animals and monsters before, but guro, underage, and scat type content is out of the question.
"We have a pretty massive fanbase in the Far East, and this kind of adult content is ingrained into their culture, so we target them mainly with the non-con themes as they understand it instantly," Darkcrow said. "I think Western audiences have quite a ways to go before they becomes as accepting of this theme, but…
piccolo113's right. And keep in mind what the people who are making light of it are actually making light of: rape cartoons. This is a big, ongoing conflict in the gaming community, and that's the central point of conflict: one side thinks violence against women is a very serious issue, and the other side thinks it's…
Say the guys whose cover story — the lie they think lends them credibility — is that you're agitating for better ethics in video game reviews. Your self-unawareness is chilling.
It means 'social justice warrior,' which mind-bogglingly backwards people think is a slur. They use it as an insult for people who oppose bullying and harassment.
You think the self-evident implications of social justice are negative. You're a cartoon villain, shaking your fist at the good guys.
My major malfunction that *could* have made me a problem was that I embodied the Groucho Marx joke, "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member;" I actively distrusted people who received me positively. (Luckily it was counter-balanced with paralytic social anxiety, so I was totally…
I defer to you there! My point is just that you seem to be conflating philosophical differences with biographical differences. A man could agree with and advocate your same principles 100% despite his different route to arriving at that position, and it seems like that's fundamentally not the same thing as *occupying…
But that's not the same thing, is it? Sarah Palin and Hugo Schwyzer do and say things that are incompatible with, or in direct opposition, to your philosophy. That's a valid reason to exclude anyone from any movement. THE valid reason. They're not participating in good faith; they're actively trying to undermine you.
You misunderstand my point in bringing up GTA; my point is that for all this supposed disparity between PC and console games, PC elitists were still salivating over a port of a console game. (That happens a lot, actually.) Your implicit premise seems to be that the value of software is tied up in its technological…
Hypothetically. We're not actually seeing big gulfs in the scope of pc and console video games in reality. (Remember when the PC Master Race spent months begging for GTA 4?)
I think you guys are overestimating how many gamers are OCD graphics narcissists (no offense). Me, I'm still perfectly happy playing PS3 games, and could be for years and years yet.
If I enjoy this I'm going to feel like a moron, and there will be hell toupée.
This one's a doozy. A group of YouTube personalities called the Yogscast put together a Kickstarter campaign, raised over half a million dollars, and then abruptly announced that the game had been cancelled following a number of conflicts between Yogscast's Lewis Brindley and developer Kris Vale. A cautionary tale in…
This is like a weird inverse reflection of the MRAs' "white knight" crap. They can't comprehend the idea of a man who'd sincerely respect women, so they think it's a manipulative angle. Are you saying only aggressive men are honest?
Speaking as a purist, partisan, and design zealot*, I kinda like it. I think they might have gone too far with the tattoos, though. Scales, yes, but his abdomen hints at Ed Hardy Aquaman. I recognize it's an appropriate(ish) Maori thing, but the line between tattooed warrior and frat douche is razor thin.