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And that is why Steven Universe is the best show.

When tater tots are outlawed, then only outlaws will have tater tots.

He was caught with spud on his hands!

I like to think some master criminal knocked this guy out and used the Tater Tots as a decoy. But no.

This happens to me from time to time. It's usually accompanied by a feeling of tripping or falling.

I suffer from this quite a bit. Sometimes it's a loud noise, sometimes it's some other sort of loud auditory hallucination. Once I was awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of a man yelling at me to "Get out of my bed!" Needless to say there was no one there.


They should stop leaving their electric takoyaki pans near the octopus tanks!

The start of a horrible pandemic that no one expected, because what disease makes the jump from octopus to human?

Maybe it's stress?

Occasionally the largest arm starts to get delusions of grandeur and needs to be made an example of.

Never more appropriate

wait, so what are the implications you teased at before the jump?

I believe that though it doesn't interact, it still bends spacetime which keeps galaxies pinned down.

This means dark matter does not interact with visible particles and flies by other dark matter with much less interaction than previously thought.

But if it doesn't interact with normal matter or itself, how is it working to hold galaxies together??!!!