Chris Q

To be fair, my impression is that they both are of the douche-canoe persuasion.

Growing up the huge kid with the girl name’s gotta suck.


Madbum is the biggest redneck in the MLB. I suppose his history with Puig helped, as well.

“Don’t look at me!”

I don’t think this is particularly controversial but I believe Bumgarner is kind of an asshole.

I’m always amazed that anybody goes to any NFL game.

They sell seats facing only other seats that are actually facing the field.

I was there. Thankfully, the facility management forgot to lock the ice storage machines near the concession stands. After the second quarter I saw people looting what appeared to be ten pound bags of ice without hesitation. Guys were walking around with the bags on their heads and shoulders trying to cool down.

This is most definitely on the Rams. I’ve been to numerous USC games in the past decade with over 90,000 in attendance and not had nearly this many issues.

But this was also probably a perfect storm of problems, as the Coliseum is an aging facility with absolutely no sun cover on a day that was exceptionally hot. In

I’m sure the Rams are doing this on purpose so that people will be dying for a nice new stadium and be willing to pay $500 for nosebleed seats to watch a crap team by the time it opens in a few years.

To be fair, market research determined 90% of the crowd would leave after the 2nd quarter to beat the traffic, so they stocked up accordingly.

Paying $250 a ticket to sit in a shit stadium and watch the shit Rams and shit Seahawks shir all over the field while you die of dehydration because you can’t get water, or sit in the comfort of your own home and watch on TV, spending that $250 on Sunday Ticket if you’re out of market.

Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.

Seriously, Tom, can you guys please fucking focus on what really matters: did he stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance or not?

Which is what makes throwing her to the ground and kicking her totally acceptable.

Jerry needs to remind the players not to wear their jerseys while they’re beating women.

I’m pretty sure that shorter guy is already taken by a taller guy.

Just incredible assholes. Makes me boil with anger. I kinda want to fight these guys.