The way you and others carry on. This is a dumb jock acting out, calm the f down.
The way you and others carry on. This is a dumb jock acting out, calm the f down.
winner winner
first LOL of the day, TY
you should have seen the dump they turned the facility in St Louis in to. I went to a game there last year and thought I had stepped in to an Onion article. Same mentality, different city.
Mitch Eilliams sounds like a complete D bag. Doubt the other parents involved in these games will tolerate such behavior for long.
I don’t know much about this group and doubt i would agree with them on much, but I like the way they protest. Creative, not violent, humorous and get their message across in a positive way. Go team code pink.
well stated!
Contact them at
Nice to read a well written, well researched article! Nice job.
you wife and it on? isn't that what you said about your real housewives commentary the other day? :-)
Amazing with this many women not one has an angry son, boyfriend, cousin whatever, who hasn’t gotten worked up enough to seek revenge. Watch your back Bill when the dust settles.
well written and interesting article. thanks
A whole lot of Cra Cra going on in that picture. Wow.
Sorry big boys and girls, but buy two seats if your fat is going to spill over into my seat.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you, thanks for sharing. Lessons for for not only travelling in the “third” word but anywhere.
It looks like the kids came equipped, but really the store manager should have given everyone a line number and sent them home.
for many good stories check out 419 eater website, where they bait these scammers and send them all over the globe for "payments", make them take pictures and more hilarity.
burner phone? Seems like a lot of effort to be helpful. Why was he trying to be so helpfull? Sounds like BS to me
What is your favorite car to attract women with? (pre wife of course)