Chris Q

In your examples of the Tea party and Rosa Parks, those protests were launched against the aggressor. Kaep’s protest against the anthem as a way of protesting police brutality is indirect and weird.

“The Lady is a Tramp” playing over the PA was really awkward too.

You might think because he is a professional athlete he would be a fair and ethical person.

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

First off, and I can’t stress this enough, fuck Feign and Edens and Lasry so goddamn hard. These fuckers probably sit around extolling the virtues of bootstraps and work ethic while simultaneously swiping $400M ($250M principle+$150M interest) from taxpayers without a single vote being cast. The Lasry and Edens story

Don’t judge. He’s just killing time counting attendance.

I’d be pissed too if my barber gave me the “Ace Ventura In Mental Asylum” haircut.

Sometimes Philly fans throw shit at Santa. Sometimes they throw shit at Trump and/or Trump proxies. You win some, you lose some.

This is the most Philadelphia moment ever: the Eagles, uncool white guys, troubling political views, Amoroso rolls.

Honestly, I think it’s lame he got suspended for that. BLM is kinda sketchy to me. I get why you guys are angry about what this dude tweeted, but he’s kind of right, no? That hands up, don’t shoot thing in Ferguson never happened for example. He’s kinda calling all that stuff out, albeit in a totally tactless way.

“So tired of this liberal PC culture.”

The cyclist is lucky it wasn’t Woody Hayes, otherwise he would have suffered even worse head injuries because Woody would have gotten out of the car and started punching him.

Does Greg Schiano strike anyone else as the kind of guy who likely wouldn’t share the road nicely with bicyclists?

“I hate Skip Bayless so much.”

TV ratings are the highest they’ve been for any Orioles season. Maybe its the ticket prices, maybe the start times 7 to earlier for people to rush from work just to rush to a baseball game, maybe the riots last year. Maybe people don’t feel safe walking in the city at night. Alot of factors go into this not just one

Don’t worry, all of those same “protestors” that are burning shit to the ground are improving their city; those same people will be back someday to rebuild, to show that they really made a difference. Just like in Baltimore.