
This whole PED witch hunt is just getting out of control. Now, they're putting asterisks on the Olympics before the damn thing even starts!

"I can see them from my house!"

That's fine. You just keep putting up barriers. And Lolo Jones will keep knocking them down.

So unfair. The graduates of Ponce de León High can keep playing forever.

Michelle Obama's post game interview:

Go fuck yourself.

Jet Jettisoned From Jet

Ding dong the Wicked Witches are dead.

The 16 team playoff is gonna be awesome.

You don't seem to understand how jokes work.

I just saw this. This is fantastic.

Frank Thomas is the best. I used to work in the wood products industry and was in Chicago a few years ago on business. Once the meetings wound down, I had nothing better to do than swing by Comiskey and catch the last 4 innings of the game that was going on. I tried buying a ticket, but the strip on my card was

His drinkin' heyday did not run concurrently with his pre-Super Bowl champion days. Lake Tahoe was 2009 and the Georgia incident was 2010. Firmly within Bud Lime Light years...

This is the boot-lickingest corporate shilling I've seen in a minute. I hope it's factored into your bonus at Under Armor this year; you've earned it.

It's pretty rare that you get an ending to a ball game that gives both fanbases what they love the most. St. Louis fans got to see their team win because the other team did something the wrong way and Red Sox fans get something to bitch about.

The league has ways of shutting down the transaction in the case of a legitimate trade rape.

He may have caused the penalty but he did win the game of Simon says

Rallying and still standing after 54 shots? Who are they, Vodka Samm?

Sorry, but this is not an "own" goal. In China, the goal belongs to the state, and the players are merely permitted to possess it.