
Yeah. And Americans never try to tell other countries how they should regulate things...If it's a good idea, it benefits society at large and the planet, it shouldn't matter where it comes from.

I'll assume this post is legit and that you are either over the age of 60 or today is your second day on the Internet. Which, props, you figured out how to create a Gawker profile. Next will be the mastery of hyperlinks. Until then, click this link.

I believe that Lamb just gave his Dave Chappelle doing Rick James impression.

Shouldn't this be a Defamer article?

When will this trend of not beginning sentences with capital letters end? Every hipster writer I know is doing this. And it's annoying.

Well, then Lorne just moved up to #3 on my list of famous people I need to upper deck at their home.

Jimmy Fallon is not, never was, will never be, funny. Ever. A bad stand-up, terrible SNL cast member, horrible actor, boring late night host, and now he is the host of arguably the most coveted talk show on TV? How does one person fail upward so much?

I don't agree with the quote from the blog, but I love it, "Deadspin is the bathroom wall of the Internet.". I personally believe that Reddit is the bathroom wall of the Internet. Deadspin is the toilet paper keeping the piss off your ass.

Just here to see who says "That's an O.K. Goal, but this one is better...".

Anyone who thinks Brett Ratner is a "cool guy" is either shilling for him, or lost their soul blowing him for a part.

Gentrification is a hipster word. This country has been gentrified from day one. While I don't know the line of demarcation (as many others don't) in regards to separating a culture from it's geographical lines, it is something that will never change. When a certain place becomes enviable by those with means, it will

Adam Banks, The Mighty Ducks, handles this situation well.

Rhianna has gotten this foul called many times as well.

To be fair, weren't most people in Long Island conceived in a parking lot?


Hopefully they won't suffer a career ending Red Rover injury in the next few years.

I believe it went to Baker and then Bilko.

This Stevie Wonder Truther shit makes me laugh. Even if it is true, which I truly hope it is simply for the civil unrest and Fox News outrage that will follow, what is the wanted outcome? Do we strip Grammy's and awards away Joe Paterno style? Do we publicly shame him like Brian Williams? Does Paul McCartney denounce

Michael Shermer addressed these in his book "Why People Believe Wierd Things". I highly recommend it.

I think, no I know, I am in love with you. We should be together.