
Yep. And when any quarterback throws a ball and it is caught, regardless of the athleticism, it's just a touchdown. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

If the entire Deadspin staff went down in a plane crash on a deserted island, and you had to survive by eating someone, who would you eat first, and who do you think would be the tastiest?

I would love to see Susan Sarandon play the Juno role and Eric Stonestreet as Otho. I will see this movie opening night.

I'm commenting so I don't get fined.

The butterfly effect is important. If I hadn't skipped 5th hour in High School and not grabbed that burrito, shit my brains out the next day, only to watch the Price is Right while home, I never would have known how much a 95' Ford Escort costs. The choices we make...

To an extant, I agree. However, while I don't necessarily subscribe to the idea, a lot of people wear jewelry for nostalgic purposes. I had a friend who's wife died of cancer (breast cancer at 27). He had her and his wedding rings turned into a pretty cool necklace. (It's hard to explain but it's basically an infinity

I'm sure the fight started over Obama's new plan to give a tax break to duel-earner families. When will the partisanship end?

Hungarian Lamborghini Crash is a great band name.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Satire is a very hard thing to convey. It's purpose is to provoke thought through embellishment and absurdity. The idea is to say something outlandish that people take notice, they then become passionate about it, and then have them realize that there is a different purpose to the statement than the literal idea being

Whoa. We all saw what happened in Boston when someone expected a tip.

Got it. So in essence, Johnny Football could have bought new cleats/pads/jerseys for every college game, kept them, and when he was no longer in college, sold them on the open market? Does the NFL have regulations against active players doing this? Obviously retired/cut players do this all the time, and active players

5 years ago I would have agreed with you. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is my pick for current funniest show on television. Although, Silicon Valley's first season was incredible.

I'm intrigued. What if a player did buy their own equipment and sold it? Someone like Johnny Football that had cash before even playing football could have easily done this. Is there a rule against that situation?

If you are not rational and refuse logical thinking, I would imagine your life is miserable. I also think they empathize with people that are free thinking; pointing out the absurdity of those that live a life constrained by doctrine and the hypocrisy of whatever group they identify with. To me, that's the beauty of

They beat the #1 and # 2 team in the nation. They deserve at least a presidential pardon for Maurice Clarett.

I agree with you. Average comment. Nothing more.

Ah. Forgive me for not remembering that Adrian Peterson was Swedish.