
They were terrible but, still better than the horror show that was the late '70's. At least you could buy a two year old AE86 in '87. The 80's led into the wonder '90's where the Japanese cars peaked. It's been a long slow decline since. Hell, the Supras weren't bad. Nor the RX-7's.

Its funny how these things are brand new, with fluorescent lights shining against the paint work, and they still look like heaps of shit. Like, somehow, they don't look new, they still look used.

Your avatar is fantastically appropriate here.

Sugar walls!

Now that just makes me think of Sheldon Cooper. And while Jim Parsons is a delight, he's not what I want to be thinking of during sexy times.

But what is that? Nowhere do I see any data on "proper procedure."

Your lower-tier restaurants (and many upper-tier) routinely violate all kinds of labor laws.

Several jobs ago, I ordered a sushi appetizer at a nice company dinner. The president/CEO's secretary (who I later learned was having an affair with him) was a woman of extremely limited education and experience, and she was hyper-aware of this fact and constantly paranoid that other people were making fun of her. She

Yes, but would explanation of who she was, what her problem was and threat of a reprimand not be enough? Sounds like someone was taking her bad day out on someone else. I mean, this must be one hell of a process if you can screw up serving someone nuts. Even if they're (raises pinky) Macadamia Nuts.

Interfering with the duties of a crew member? Sounds like someone needs a sky marshal to take them off the plane for an hour of questioning.

I feel like an executive forcing a plane back to the gate violates some sort of FAA laws

I just checked to make sure I had enough whiskey to get through reliving some nightmares and it looks like we are good to go.

There is the conundrum, do their clients have bad taste or do their designers have bad taste and their clients don't know any better? Also quality work? have you ever watched the show, they are a hack shop.

never was there a clearer case for justified grand theft auto

I just wanted to point out it's not even level and your comment made the perfect place to insert it.

Pardon me if I don't shed a tear because some oil sheik isn't able to buy this year's model of private business jet.

Remove the leeching class rich from your business model, and suddenly things are feasible.

I debated on whether or not to feed this troll, but what the hell:

I said one of the highest risk industries. Illegal diamond mining and meth manufacturing are both high risk too.

Imploded doors?
I think you mean the explosion knocked the doors in. That is not an implosion. Unless you believe the doors were crushed in on themselves.