I'll let the show How I Met Your Mother answer that for you
I'll let the show How I Met Your Mother answer that for you
Posting locations and notifying other drives of speed traps/cameras would cause them to pay attention, slow down, and drive safer, thereby fulfilling the stated purpose of speed enforcement while robbing the red light camera industry of revenue, which is the actual purpose of unmanned speed enforcement.
If you are drag racing an RX-8 you're doing it wrong.
Nothing about them exudes straight line performance. Hit up a piece of pavement with curves and the story is written a little bit different. :)
How tall are you? If you're 6 ft and up don't bother, that's why they didn't sell they were f'ing tiny.
"Gas prices will stay low forever!"
Can you also has the new Type R Civic? ._.
It's the Honda equivilent of the Porsche 996.
It's the 'weirdest', not the 'greatest'.
Has there been a scientific study performed to determine if driving stoned really affects your ability to drive safely? And where the cutoff is? With legal drugs there will have to be a legal limit and ways of determining that limit. A zero-tolernace policy isn't really practical when THC can linger in your system…
Here is a quick note on rape and physiological arousal, particularly as it pertains to male victims of rape.
Not in Russia. A bad job is a good job there.
right, and the guy didn't know he'd seized/broken the cam. Never buy from someone who isn't specific on why it's not running - he knew he broke the cam...
Communism is a heck of a racket.