You may need to talk to someone about your apathy. Elections always matter and this one more than most.
You may need to talk to someone about your apathy. Elections always matter and this one more than most.
And here, friends, we see the attitude that brings us candidates like Trump.
Who was this now? What planet are they from?
Tray tables. Ugh, yuck.
Are there 10 foot drops in Florida?
Don’t you mean the Mustang of Minivans?
Yeesh. Not surprised, though.
One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.
I hate toll roads as well. I took the PA Turnpike from the West gate to MM 75 a few days ago, and it was $13.20. I’m not sure what it costs per mile in Texas, but $0.176 per mile absolutely floored me. I’ll spend another 20-30 minutes and skip the tolls next time.
This makes me so mad. I hate toll roads so much. Not surprised there’s mention of Cintra’s lobbyist’s relationship to ex-Gov. Rick Perry in there, either. It’s shockingly obvious that these kinds of deals don’t serve the public, but only serve a few. That few’s gonna make bank and not have to pay anything back.…
What people are saying now is that there is no known link, and to assume there was would be premature, and possibly have significant consequences.
“Can’t wait for Transit Connect’s Drift Mode.”
Meanwhile, here is the trucker, minding his own business, and this lady gets all up in his grille.
A Chinese Peterbilt.
Please continue! I'm dying to hear how you have imagined pushing paper around in a Cold War era legacy job is going to attract world class spy to hack your recent history of Ramada stays and calls to your fat wife. You must be really important!
Not really... Most of Europe has higher speed limits than in the US. Only the less populated areas have higher speed limits in the US.
Meh, traffic totally gets like that (see: the 101 from LA to Ventura. all. damn. day). But that’s why you ride to the right-most part of the lane. If somebody slams on their brakes, you can squirt around them to the right. But it is annoying when you are trying to leave a safe distance in front of you and some jackass…
The only downside I saw to the 15/50 rule was that fact that traffic has the magic ability to move well about 50 and still be bumper to bumper. At those times trying to leave a safe distance in front of the bike is an opening that someone will fill. Also the car behind you will definitely not be at a safe distance. It…