
WFlames on the back going forward gives off a Pinto vibe.

Perfect. Needs a pic tho’.

.....defeated, with oil from head to toe and a strong desire to pour gasoline on that Honda and finally end this nightmare.

I had a roommate with a 73 blazer like that. You could basically sit in the engine bay as you worked on it. Problem is it sucked gas and caught fire a lot.

When you said you drove “a shitty car” and I told you I was okay with it...I was picturing something else. I’m going to find my own ride home.

Sounds like you need to start your own “Buggy de Penn”. I’m guessing the organizers are doing okay and this event costs more then my car. Set up your own there has to be some good Mt. Drives and serious Jalops out that way. Even the Amish wind it out every once in a awhile.

“Play stupid games win stupid prizes” could really be its own blog on here with as much as it comes up.

Wow that's different.

Do they have to call a tow truck since the vehicle was purportedly uninsured? That is the whole basis of their argument right? This vehicle can’t be driven on public roadways without insurance because that is against the law.

So if you photoshop your proof of insurance it's passes the police test if you hit print?

Doesn’t the Honda actually have more or less the same torque as the BRZ?

COTD right there. LOL

How many people actually go rock crawling? It’s got to be less then one in 100,000. My parents have one of these and live about three miles down a rough private road that is sub five miles an hour in a regular car, fifteen in an truck and about twenty five in a 4x4. ( in “not winter”) Winter is a whole other story.

Grandparents had one, and it did always have a weird vinyl smell in the interior even when it was a decade old.

Oh and I would trade away sixty horsepower for a guaranteed 30 mpg on the highway.

Ridgeline wish list:

A utility trailer.

Have you met Catelyn? She is kind of a horrible person. Her flipping out and going off half cocked started this whole war a rolling.

I wasn’t okay with him not being in armor. A guy that’s spent his whole life armored up is walking around in a city known to be full of Sons of the Harpy. This guy would be wearing his mail.

At 16 my first boss let me drive a D50 back and forth to work so I didn't have to ride my bike. Loved that thing.