
Dedicated motorcycle roads or bike only lanes on congested freeways. That would sell the hell out of them instantly. No exceptions for Prius or even Morgan's. Just a smaller outside bike only lane. If you could save an hour a day in traffic don't you think some folks would saddle up?

Bill could always repurpose this ditty.

Seriously? Shoot me a link on that because that is pretty wild. Cocaine in coca-cola kinda wild.

Seriously good litmus test if you pull up in a Mog and she smiles and climbs aboard. After that you know you're going to have pull out the stops to hang on to that one or you'll regret it.

With spare water chips.

Possibly a sword or knife? Or that light saber next to him....

And then they sell your info to all the auto insurers who promptly triple your car insurance after learning of your penchant for lateral G’s on the on ramps. I wonder what sort of alarm bells an auto cross day would trigger?

While threatening with an actual knife in hand.

They should really just buy Tesla.

5th Gear: Rent A Nissan On Campus

It's not really cheap if it leaves us all with a superfund site after the mining company bails with their profits.

No major incidents! Since your a fond of bird references Google “Ostrich and head in the sand” along with “pipeline incidents, spills, leaks, ruptures.”

Why would you have to close it to all traffic? Plenty of single track and horse back only trails in the country. Should we also spend billions of dollars widening the Pacific Crest and Appalachian trail so folk with disabilities and money can drive the entire length in custom Jeeps? Everest, K2? I was simply remarking

Or you could just stop periodically and descend in first.

Watched the whole video and didn’t see anything that required 4wheel drive to go down it. I don’t understand the fuss unless it washes out, then I see that being understandably expensive. The weird thing about most tough trails is it's easier to just hike them.