
Everything about this seems full of win until a ten year old kid on a dirt bike pulls up next to you. Then you just feel old and sad.

HitchBot 2.0 is going to need some situational awareness programming if it’s going to make it across the country hanging out in between trash cans after the bars close. I can just see that smiling digital face asking this guy in an upbeat robot voice if he would like to have a conversation. This guy who most likely

Sounds like somebody snuck away from their Witness Protection program in search of kale chips and an olive bar and you unknowingly terrified them with “are you from Laramie?”

Or a company gas card.

When it comes to cars and women I’ve come to respect a certain level of impropriety.

As children we all know a good blanket can protect us from monsters and other dangerous things. Good to see some video proof. I for one wouldn’t have called Linus growing up to join the Marines. It just goes to show you you can’t judge a person by their covers.

Seriously. People who make millions running shady charities are loathsome creatures.

The original was my high school dream car. I’d be okay with those lines on a Japanese driveline too!

Someone please explain to me the logic in the policy of stopping traffic already in the path of the fire? Closing the road I get, telling everyone on the closed road to park I do not. Sometime in the late 80’s I drove across the country through a few miles of a fire that had jumped Interstate 70 and was burning on

Stolen in San Diego you say...

Came here to post this. It is a San Francisco Limo company after all. They only ever go about two hundred miles in a day. Napa or Tahoe being the longest trips. A charging/swapping station at either while the clients are eating and your set. Plus some pretty fat fuel and maintenance savings with a notable prestige

Why does it seem more likely the drug cartels will have something like this before your local Coast Guard station?

Thank you for pulling back the curtain. I think most Jalops like knowing how things work. I know I do. Hoping to see more articles of this caliber in the future.

I’m no engineer, but it seems to me that you want all the air you can get of flowing downward as you try to take off. Any forward movement with that opened would force more air into the fan for more lift right? If slid back sunroof style or opened with a front hinge less air would be directed down.

Who eats a pound of olive oil? Do you have any idea how many meals a pound of dried lentils makes? There are 2,916 calories in a pound of walnuts. Vegans don’t sit down and have a pound of walnuts for dinner. They eat mostly vegetables.

Well it used to be before we started re-routing it all.

Not everyone dreams of luxury and even plenty of those that do don’t want it at the expense of others well being. If working hard brought one luxury roofers, miners and concrete workers would live like kings. Stop pretending the lower class doesn’t work hard and that grad school is the equivalent of navy seal BUD/S

That’s a bandaid at best and a waste of power & environmentally destructive at worst. We need to stop expanding as a population is the only real long term solution.

I found the troll.

Oh it applies to them it just doesn’t adhere well enough not to wash off with streams of money.