
They do expect us to prove what good "mothers" we are by sacrificing ourselves for our "baby" - even if we just got knocked up 5 minutes ago. (because god is good and miracles and I can't even with that)

No, I meant all women... but it wouldn't matter, you're the type that thinks vagina=slut.

I am very sorry someone shut you down when you thought you were entitled to sex and now you're in your mom's basement all bitter and MRA-raging and getting hate boners by putting us horrible little sluts in our place like a

So, even if we do as the antichoicers say and only get knocked up by dudes we marry while having enough money to care for our family we're still going to be sluts? Good to know.

I almost blew a gasket at a dude commenting on Wendy's FB posting "miracle ectopic baby" success stories as if it was all Wendy or us "libtards" would have needed to see to give her life for her child(never mind her two living daughters that needed her). He said that, in those words. I ranted a little about


Fellow TWU Pioneer here, still attending at 36, but I do want to say how much I love my university and how it has absolutely been the best educational experience I have had. I love the sense of acceptance I feel around campus, I haven't witnessed anyone even care who uses what bathroom, applauded no less than a dozen

Horrified as well. That shit is crazy...

My guess would be hallway security camera monitors to see who went in and out of that bathroom. :(


Lord, that is fucking ridiculous, even by lone star standards... I live amongst stupid fuckers...

I know I dislike Perry, I know I SUPER dislike him. I know that this is a good thing! I also know I just spent 45 minutes of my life on the TX Dem fb page explaining that while I AM a democrat (and a pretty far left leaning one at that) prison rape and violence are serious human rights issues and those types of jokes

Lesbians use birth control... Explain that.

Using birth control does not mean you are having sex. #yourlogicfails

I loved that line about feminist history 101... Gender and Social Change is a required course at my university. You have to take it to complete core education requirements and graduate. (I attend Texas Woman's, probably the most liberal college in the state, outside of Austin) I have witnessed many kids have their

oh! I can use that info on trivia night! The more you know

if you're ever in the north Dallas ' burbs and see my fatness out doing something even remotely like exercise... Give me all the thumbs up!

My kids are homeschooled, we have one computer they are allowed to use (in a common area, not a bedroom) and my husband is very good at locking it down and it has also has key logger so we know everything they type. They also don't have cell phones with Internet.

That's been our rule as long as our 4 kids have been on the Internet. The only one that eventually fought us on it was the one trying to hide shit from us. He's 18 now, and out on his own and I don't care what his passwords are now that I don't have legal responsibility for his illegal behavior. (In Texas, you are

No, no we don't. I promise, most of us are normal people!! Voter apathy is high... hence TX being red for the last two plus decades... only the old repubs get out and vote. :( I hope that changes after this!

Texas Woman's University, despite the name, we're coed, affordable,public and safe. I love being a Pioneer.