
I thought the X3 was the sign you were one of Dallas' "30k millionaires'? hum???

No MD 20/20?

My money is on crack, xanax, vodka and franzia in an epic showdown.

a quick kiddie psych question for you jezzies in the field. (I know, it's the internet, but opinions are helpful, right?)

My 7 year old is the youngest of 4 and we have a few dx's for his brothers (18- CD and 15 yo with ASD/SPD - and a possible dx of SPD with the youngest) Their father and I am separated for 18 months

I was able to vote for Wendy Davis and Leticia Van De Putte this week!!! It is the first time in my 18 years of voting that I was so excited about the candidates that I high fived the election workers when I came out of the voting booth

My husband and I got custody of our oldest when he was 4, and he hasn't seen his biomom since (her choice, but they have recently been in contact, with our blessing) and the crap I heard over the years was just mindnumbingly stupid. He'll be 18 in a few months, and unfortunately those things have embedded in his head

sadly, I know the shame of that. I say that as the accidental buyer of ONE pair of her shoes and they are ridiculous comfy and I love them. not sorry.

I might have to take too many potty breaks if I take my boys... hum? what to do?!?!

I have been stupidly excited about this movie for weeks now. It just looks like so much fun!

thanks! I think he's a keeper. :)

I was going through my 9 yr old son's backpack last week and came across the rough draft of a paragraph he was writing. The prompt was the usual "if you could have dinner with a famous person, who would it be and why"... he wrote this:
Well, I would choose Harriet Tubman because I would want to know why she risked her

I was there, too! :) Congrats to your sister, I graduate from TWU in May!

I promise! (Plus I'm a campaign volunteer!!! )

There was a "friday night lights" movie already... and it was awesome. Billy bob and MOJO and west texas crazy! Now I have to watch it, again.

my university has a fabulous gym and rec program that is free for me to use as as student (well, the cost is covered in my student fees) but honestly, as a fat, tired, single mom of 4 in her mid thirties, all the "kids" in the gym intimidate me and make me feel like I am not supposed to be there. I was a fitness and

I loathe tricare... I was a military spouse back in the late 90's... while home on leave about 6 weeks before our baby was due, I developed an infection that ended in delivering our son 5 weeks early about 2000 miles from ft hood, where then hubs was stationed, it took two years and hundreds of phone calls to get

OMG, I used to live in Spencer ages ago... I learned the art of dipping fries in sweet and sour sauce at that Mcd's

I will personally talk to every student at Texas Woman's until they vote for wendy to shut me up!

Ok, maybe not EVERY student, but I can try! :)

My foster brother( we're both in our mid to late 30's now) is a very vocal advocate for women's rights. He even traveled from Houston to march in Austin on July 1st when the lege went back into special session, posting videos and sending me pictures because he knew I was so disappointed I couldn't go. He is gay and

STFU already