
Synthetic Kryptonite arrow, anyone?

Rumor has it Cushing's Doctor was a delusional Torchwood employee who built his own TARDIS using stolen/scavenged bits of the original.

The Doctor's daughter who portrayed the Doctor's daughter later bore the Doctor's daughter.

Yep. I'm a girl, and apparently I have a "male" communication style because I respond by suggesting solutions.

And he actually does pull a lot of remarkable things out of the bag, even with all of that self doubt and lack of support.

Yep. She had the potential to be New-Who's best companion to date ... but mostly the writers overplayed the generally uninteresting unrequited crush she had on the Doctor. She deserved a lot better.

free healthcare, good people, monetary terminology includes loonies and toonies, great strip clubs, get to drink and gamble at a younger age, grows some of the best pot you can smoke, and all we ever do is hate on 'em

*Mild DS9 Spoiler alert*

Ezri gets a really bad rap - but she's still a Dax, and she held herself well as the epic that was DS9 drew to a close. A very, very shaky start caused many to cast her into the oblivion of obscurity - but, when given a chance, she could show a side to Jadzia we rarely saw, and could also bring

For the record, Whedon has long maintained that he had intended to kill Wash at some point from the very beginning. He knew that it was going to be a dark turn for the series, but as Wash was the vibrant and zany heart of the ship, losing him would be painful for the entire crew and shake up established dynamics. He

Killing Picard’s family was cheap. Killing Wash was genius. Hateful, hurtful, and scarring. But genius. It served a purpose. And it did it better than almost any fictional death I can think of.

Here's what I don't get: Wash wasn't the first person in the Firefly universe to die. We saw Nandi die in Heart of Gold, we saw Tracey die in the message, hell we saw Shpd. Book die not that long before Wash, and yet when Wash gets killed it's for some reason a cheap tactic.

I am with you on the inappropriately young waitress, but this is over the top. I just don't see the need for it at a wedding.

Couple of clarifications, Verizon tripled their CAPACITY. Currently this is leading to super fast speeds because the capacity of the network far exceeds the demand on it. It's a good move by Verizon that will lead to increased speed overall, but the reason they aren't making a huge deal about it is because eventually

Ambassador Londo Mollari, Babylon 5.

Is there a mistake Londo failed to make? Was there a single opportunity in the first three-and-a-half seasons that his greed and his desire for revenge did not cause to go as wrong as possible? Did he ever come to a cross-road and not take the worst possible path? And then in the

I know I'm expected to type stuff, but I gotta run so I'll just leave this here.

When you see the gorgeous women in Montreal, American Motherfucker.

@#$%ing teenagers. Don't get me started. GET OFF MY LAWN!

For some time now, I've felt that we should should have some sort of 'Escape From New York' style arrangement by which we fence off an island where we drop everyone with a backpack of supplies when they reach the age of thirteen and return for extraction when they reach 21. Let's face it, between those ages, you're

I thought the same thing until I read some of the studies and Aerotropolis excerpts. There will always be jobs that require face time, but the other thing is that as tech allows us the increased ability to work at home, it also increases our ability to work *anywhere*—meaning you'll see people who aren't just giving

Just waiting for Cosima.