
"Star Wars: Dune" Ugh.

Pointless busy work is virtually the entire U.S. defense budget. Untold billions are spent on projects the military doesn't even want. It's a ridiculous jobs program.

I first read "pastels" as "pasties." I both cringed and grew suddenly aroused. Hmmm. I have a lot of thinking to do now.

OK, sure. But this was no "she has multiple injuries" or "the birth has caused a lot of bleeding." This was "lost the will to live." Funny, I felt the same way by the end of that movie.

One damn a-hole ruining the boobage and assorted nudiditities for everybody. It's just not fair.

True. Yet, I will be hi-5ing him all the way.

Good luck. Love to hear in what neighborhood you find a good place. I'm sure there are deals to be had, if you're good and lucky enough. Happy hunting.

Oh yeah. That I'll watch. I tried to watch the first one on TV twice: fell asleep both times. And I truly loved the LOTR movies.

"And yet... I'm not sure a Star Trek movie should be anyone's directorial debut. "

Battle of the Bloated Trilogy

I suggest giving real consideration to advice presented in a helpful, suggesting manner. For "advice" that is more of a demand, complaint or guilt-trip, tell the adviser to go F themselves — no matter who they are. The wedding does not belong to these people.

"(although, interesting enough, when my husband threw the garter, the guys all lept for it)"

"With the average home price at $152,000..."

Wow. I must say that is surprising. It must lose something on my home screen then. I had time for a bathroom break, to make a cup of espresso and to search out my copies of Star Treks II, III, IV and VI. I'm choosing to believe V never happened.

So you're the one! :-)

Good points. It should also be noted that "Star Trek: The Motionless Picture" was, well, awful. Lifeless. Dull. Wooden. The 8-minute scene consisting of nothing but a shuttle ride to the Enterprise was simply unforgivable.

Better that "Star Trek: The Motionless Picture?" You are so right about "Insurrection," I say. I still shudder when I think "Data sings!" (Not to take anything away from Brent Spiner, who has done some really interesting vocal work elsewhere.)

Thanks. I can see that. I still think the whole plot was utterly asinine, but there were some nice scenes like that.

How? No snark. Seriously, how?

Disqualified, for me. I could barely sit through each of them once. I can't even hate-watch them.